Members without Avatars.

i have had this same fucking avatar on UM since i started posting here....because i love this face. its to the point that i get territorial about it, when i see a new member who uses one of the generic avatars for themselves, i get upset that theyre cramping my style. :shrug:
Profanity said:
Well remembered.

Noone will ever forget my dynasty.

i make it a point to forget you. why? because you have nothing of value to offer this board except for worthless spamming. youre a cunt.
If we're talking about creativity.. I win. 99% of ye have just photos or whatever, or the more inventive have a photo with words on :eek:

Mine is Alexi ACTUALLY lactating. Proper creative. No one has an excuse not to know who I am.

And other bollocks like that. etc.
EagleFlyFree said:
haha let's see
for once, you fucked around with my quote too so don't lecture. secondly, you really didn't need to take it to this, it was all good natured jest; you should work on your sense of humor. thirdly, i never signed up for a personality contest so even if what you say is true, it's not relevant.

lastly....... haha your hat is stupid

Ill be wearing that in June :p WORLD CUP COME ON!