mix is going swimmingly

Yeah, that's good news!

Just a few more days to wait, and we hopefully can get a first impression of your new masterpiece! I'm so excited, getting goosebumps when I imagine the moment when I can click on the link of a new song!


Thanx for the update Jonah :headbang:
JUST...CAN'T...WAIT.... :headbang:
But the mix is not the last part, the cd has to be mastered before we can listen to something. Hopefully it will be done in a few days...
Just heard two more tracks.... I really feel like this is going to be something special. Can't wait to share it with all of you :) -jonah w-
hi jonah!

aaahhhh, i can't wait any longer... you make me even more excited! I too feel this is going to very very special!!!

I sense a great guitar riff, the band enters and then: matts unbelievable voice :worship:

and this moment is getting closer and closer!
He's doing it on purpose!!
He KNOWS what this is doing to us, and he is just.. sitting there, listening to the magnificence that is Pyramaze. Then deciding to come talk about how awesome it sounds, VERY WELL KNOWING that we CANNOT hear it yet!


lol. settle down beavis!

From Jacob Hansen's blog on myspace:

This week I started the mix of Pyramaze's 3rd album, this time featuring new vocalist Matt Barlow (used-to-be-ex-Iced Earth). 3 songs are down and it seems like this is gonna be their heaviest yet. It's still very much Pyramaze, but Matt's vocals makes it a little heavier. The basic tracks were recorded in different studios a.o. by famed Jim Morris of Morrisound Studio. Very pro!
lol. settle down beavis!

From Jacob Hansen's blog on myspace:

This week I started the mix of Pyramaze's 3rd album, this time featuring new vocalist Matt Barlow (used-to-be-ex-Iced Earth). 3 songs are down and it seems like this is gonna be their heaviest yet. It's still very much Pyramaze, but Matt's vocals makes it a little heavier. The basic tracks were recorded in different studios a.o. by famed Jim Morris of Morrisound Studio. Very pro!

lets hear those 3 songs! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese
Matt's voice makes it a little heavier? And it's gonna be their heaviest album so far? Guys, stop raising my expectations to an ever higher level, you got me already that excited, unbelieveable!

But if that's really true - and I sense it is - well, then there are only a few days left until I will listen to Pyramaze's new songs for 24 hours a day, all the time thinking: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

You guys already rule, but this next album will make you truely IMMORTAL :kickass:
OMFG we want samples! :)
Damn, every piece of news about the album makes me drool! A heavier more epic Pyramaze, is there anything else we could wish for? :D