My friends are assholes.


Mar 31, 2007
Kearney, NE
So a few of my buddies went on a LONG concert trip this last weekend. They saw Meshuggah and Ministry in Denver, then drove all the way to Salinas to see DevilDriver, 36 crazyFists, and Napalm Death.

They went without me, (I'm broke :cry:).

Now to add insult to injury, these bastards decided to tag every bathroom stall of every truckstop, restaurant, and venue they came across in Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas with this simple statement:

For a good time, Call (my name) at

This wasn't just the usual graffiti. THEY TOOK UP HALF THE GODDAMN BATHROOM STALL!!!!
And yes, for the record, I have gotten some VERY interesting phone calls from drunk horny truckers at 2am. :puke:

I will get them. I'm thinking gay singles websites or maybe an Ebomb full of animal porn. Any suggestions??? :heh:
"My friends are assholes." I agree.

Get a bag of cocaine, sufficient amount.
Plant it in there cars.
Alert the police.

Not cost efficient, but your revenge will last a long time. :heh:
or you could just have sex with the truckers and take some pics of it...
show them the photos and say "ha, you thought you could make fun of me?? I'm the one who's had the fun!":zombie:

but seriously..I wouldn't call them "friends"!
I' mean pranks are great but something you can't undo that could be haunting you for quite some time sucks and no real friend would do that...

would be a different thing if they just told you the tagged all the toilets and are just prank-calling you pretending to be drunken truckers....that would be the win ;)
"My friends are assholes." I agree.

Get a bag of cocaine, sufficient amount.
Plant it in there cars.
Alert the police.

Not cost efficient, but your revenge will last a long time. :heh:

or you could snort the coke ( or smoke it if you prefer) and either forget about it, or go all paranoid delusional and off them. or else you could get their girlfriends high on the coke and have your way with them.
ahhhh.... coke, it opens up so many options :lol:
In all honesty, I laughed. This kind of shit happens to me all the time. Especially on concert trips.

A few years ago, Iced Earth was on tour with Children of Bodom and Evergrey. These are 3 of my favorite bands, but I was too broke to go to the show. It was in Denver and I'm in the middle of Nebraska.
On the day of the show, my roommate/band mate disappeared. I couldn't get ahold of him. I also noticed that my video camera was gone as well as all ong the cables to my guitar amp.

2 days go by.

I come home from work and find my roommate standing in the apartment holding my video camera and wearing an Iced Earth t-shirt. He hands my the camera and not only do I see that he stole all of my cords, just to be a dick, but he also went to the concert without me and had the crowd flip me off while screaming "FUCK YOU DERRICK!"

Its now become tradition that any time a friend goes to a show without me and meets a band, they yell fuck you you Derrick at the time a picture is being taken while flipping off the camera.
Spray their cars with unsavoury amounts of dust, and write on the windscreen, "Clean Me!".
They'll think twice before messing with you again, thats for sure.
Spray their cars with unsavoury amounts of dust, and write on the windscreen, "Clean Me!".
They'll think twice before messing with you again, thats for sure.

Even funneir when you use a key, and rather than the windshield, you chose every pannel.

Just make it simple "Gay sex *insert their number*"