My take on St.Anger


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Well I've heard the album today for the first time, my friend got it so I listened to it at his place... couldn't wait for an end.
God does this suck ass. I just don't seem to understand it. I think they are kidding every single one in this world. This album might be a joke, they can afford it. I believe they are laughing right now, saying: "See? We have recorded the biggest piece of fuckin' crap, and the assholes are still buying it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"
Well anyway, I'm gonna to BURN Metallica record for the first time (I PURCHASED all the previous releases, I'm not gonna buy this one) and give it a chance... few listens, it depends howmany more I can stand.
But as a long time Metallica fan, who loves even Load and Reload, I'm very fucking disappointed.
And one more thing. The beggining of the first song... reminds me very much of What Doesn't Die...
I actually think it is a there are some very good songs on the album. St:Anger, Frantic and the unnamed feeling. Also a lot of the other songs are good, but they could have been much better. The all hava a passage in the song that I like. Also it is to bad that the production and mixing kills the record. The druma are horrible and are the main reason the album never gets as good as it could have. The guitars are very much behind the drums in the mix. Listen to the dvd, the guitarvolume is better there.
To be honest i think this album is pretty poor, however Frantic's pretty cool, its just a shame the rest of the record didnt follow suit... Mind U, a bad Metallicash album is better than most of the shit that is released as metal these days so we shouldnt be 2 critical....
Aw, fuck it yes we should.................
I like the record - heaviest thing they've put out in years. Ok the productions is different, but after several spins it fits the music.

I reakon lots of ppl have given it one listen, hated the mix and not given it a thorough listen. I keep coming back to it and its growing more and more.

WCFYA still shits all over it admittedly!!
blakmetalemp said:
"Frantic, tic, tic, tic, tic, tock!"

What in the holy fuckin hell was James thinkin??? St. Anger is the worst piece of shit that will be recorded this year. Guarentee.

what the hell is tic tic tic tic tic toc,did he still it from a wiggles record!!!
The only way that I have been able to listen to the new album is to pretend that it is a shitty live CD of the real thing. I still haven't been able to listen to it all the way through (I've tried 5 times so far), but you can tell there is potential. I think most of St. Anger will sound much better live, where the guitars will be emphasized and Lars will be subdued (I hope to God). Also, why the fuck don't they get rid of Bob Rock and actually get someone who knows what the hell they're doing? This guy is obviously clueless as to what real metal is.
When I put that CD into the changer in my car I couldn't help but think I had put a tape in the tape deck. The rehearsal DVD sounds better than the CD. The more I listen to it (three times) the more I dislike it.
I gave it a chance and have been dissapointed. A few bright spots, but nothing to get get excited about. I am really into this new Type O album. Fucking great. That and WCFYA will be sleeping in my bed with me.
I've listened to it a LOT and I think it's good. Not great, not as good as Justice (TRUE CLASSIC!), but it's good. At least there's no fucking badly mixed orchestras or poofy covers.
Still, it sucks that it's selling millions while WCFYA sells fuck all and is the better album by far.