New Ozzy Song Preview in CSI:NY

Yeah, just saw it on Myspace! Nice work G!!!!! Can't wait to hear the rest of Gus's work with Mr O.........hope he didn't give Mr O all his best licks hehe!!!! But I'm sure he's got those in abundance so there will be plenty of awesome ones on the new Firewind album!!!!

PS. I'm not really keen on the song (sorry).............not my cup of tea, but the guitar work is amazing as always from Gus.
Alright, I didn't feel as cheated in that ninety seconds as I did listening to Black Rain for the first time. I'll officially support this and whatever new album comes out for Gus's sake. He is my official unoffical haven't-personally-met-each-other-yet homeboy, or OUPHMEOYH for short. :D
OUPHMEOYH for short. :D

lol! haha

i wonder how far the next Firewind CD is. see i'm a bit dissapointed of the two latest CD's i bought.. Avantasia 4+5. I listen to it and yeah everything's great and all those wonderful singers and feelings and stuff.. BUT
for me personally there is no guitar shredding. yeah sascha paeth is good and veery professional, but when i listen Songs like Destination Forever, The Fire And The Fury or Insanity? OMG that is shredding! See? i need more gus shredding, for Gus' sake!

and: I know sascha is not the only guitarist and there are a lot of others too, but I want GUS!
I know what you mean.....I am mssing Gus's shredding too, hopefully the new Firewind album won't be long now.......need to get back to serious shredding!!! No one does it like Gus!!
are you kidding? The new Avantasia albums are amazing!!!!!! I can't stop listening to them. Yes obviously I'm still mega excited for the new Firewind album, but the new Avantasia ones are definitely helping me through the wait
I haven't heard the Avantasia albums yet.......I am just missing Gus's shredding.......but I'm sure they must be good, and I like the last Avantasia album, I need to get round to listening to them :)