New Red, White and Screwed review


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: CD Review
From: " Jeff Lowe,"

M.O.D. - "Red, White And Screwed" CD

Billy Milano is back with a bang - this is the greatest thing he has done since "USA For M.O.D." The record is in the same vein as the S.O.D. album "Bigger Than The Devil" with its pounding metal/hardcore music and Billy's lightening fast vocal delivery, but is way better IMHO. Although his humor is still very much in evidence on songs like "Balls On Bread", this record has a political them running through it from the title track, to "Bullshit Politics", "Suicide Bomb Pop" and the politically incorrect but hilarious "Jose Can You See?" Due to Billy's history with S.O.D. I am sure some people will not even bother listening to this, which is a real shame as this is an excellent record. Long live M.O.D.
I don't really think Balls On Bread is funny at pays homage. I also don't hear the similarity to Bigger Than the Devil, but at least this is another positive review...which is great!'s a great album and you will all love it!