News update


Complete Bastard
Sep 8, 2001
We're about to embark on the tracking of the new Usurper album on Saturday August 7th. This one promises to be even more insane than the last one. I'm looking forward to the chaos!!

Neil K.
NK said:
Drum tracks came out awesome. Joe did a killer job.

We start guitars in a week.

Neil K.

Joe is a monster on the kit. He was a great drummer back in high school some 14-15 years ago. Always been impressive, and I for one cannot wait to hear this new CD with the return of Joe, and the addition of Dan! This is going to be incredible.
Novembers Paul said:
Joe is a monster on the kit. He was a great drummer back in high school some 14-15 years ago. Always been impressive, and I for one cannot wait to hear this new CD with the return of Joe, and the addition of Dan! This is going to be incredible.

Yep. We're off to a good start for sure. We'll continue with guitars on Tuesday.


Neil K.
Did guitars on 6 tunes today. All the preparation Rick has been doing is certainly paying off.

More gtrs and bass to come tomorrow...

Neil K.
Rhythm guitars, bass and lead gtrs all done, and 5 vocals too. We'll do the rest today and start the mixing tomorrow. Woohoo!

Neil K.
Usurper Dan said:
Mixing starts tomorrow (Aug 24th) and its going to be amazing. All hail the Ditka-Beast!!!!!!!! boink!

Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to reschedule some stuff, but I'll do my best to be there...
Latest news:

I'm doing the mix prep for Tomer Pink's forthcoming Subterranean Masquerade album. We start mixing this coming weekend.

Neil K.
NK said:
Latest news:

I'm doing the mix prep for Tomer Pink's forthcoming Subterranean Masquerade album. We start mixing this coming weekend.

Neil K.

Good luck Neil. I know this ones going to be a challenge! Lot's and lot's going on in there! I'll stop in on Monday to see / hear how it's going! I'll call you before hand, and get an address.