Nile album updates


Complete Bastard
Sep 8, 2001
Hi all..

I'm off on Sunday to start the drum tracking for the new Nile album. The new drummer is George Kollias, from the Greek death metal band Sickening Horror. He is an absolute monster. I'm *really* looking forward to getting started on this. I'll post more updates in this thread as the story develops.

Neil K.

I really hope the next album will be more in the vein of "Black Seeds .." than "In their"...

...provided that Nile do not place two instrumental tracks as the two finishing tracks like they did on "Black seeds.."

It sort of killed the flow of the album, and more often than not make me stop the CD right after the track "To Dream of Ur"...

Other than that, I think "Black Seeds.." is the best Nile album... so far...
Can´t wait for the new one!
We got some killer stuff today. Two songs (sounds yesterday). George is on fire. This is going to be a hell of an album.

Neil K.
Will do Paul. He comes in today to work on a song he wrote. The tracks are sounding unbelievable. Insane tempos, blistering power and accuracy. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Neil K.
I passed on the best wishes Paul.

The drums are now complete. 10 songs in 5 days (we had originally allowed a day per song as this drum stuff is very demanding). This has given our schedule a healthy boost. Great work George!

Neil K.
hi Neil,

hope all went well. i just got done recording and mixing a 2 track label demo for Dino Cazares and Nick Barker that came out quite nice considering we did it in a rehearsal room and a bedroom with my mobile rig.

so, have you had a chance to listen to that Bill Connors record i transferred from vinyl to cd for you?

i've been doing a lot of that lately.. getting the choicest of my 1000+ vinyl collection onto CD and onto my iPod. here's a pic of my set up for doing just that:


take care
Hey James..

Yes indeed. I replied to your last email immediately, but I'm not sure you got my response..based on this, I think perhaps you didn't.

Thanks so much for the Bill Connors CD - it's in MY iPod! I love it.

Nice rig. I'm going to have to do some transferring of vinyl myself sometime soon.

Neil K.
yeah.. it's good fun to have my rare vinyl stuff on my iPod. i even scan the covers and put them in... Xmas was very good to me this year and i got the new 60GB color screen model. next in que to be digitized: Soft Machine - Bundles.. yeah!

the turntable i have is the Stanton Str-8 100. it is switchable between phono and line level on the analog side and it has a s/pdiff output which i feed into my Finalizer. i come AES/EBU out of the Finalilzer and into one of the 4 AES/EBU ins on a MOTU 308 and record into Digital Performer where i use various Waves plugs to sort out the sound.. particularly the Restoration bundle plugs to deal with pops, clicks, hum, noise, etc.

i'd be curious to hear what method / equipment / plugs you decide to use when you start doing it.
James Murphy said:
i use various Waves plugs to sort out the sound.. particularly the Restoration bundle plugs to deal with pops, clicks, hum, noise, etc.

Well, since you went so much OT, then I suppose noone would mind if I jumped on the wagon a bit... ;)

I'm no or producer extraordinaire nor do I have some equipment to brag about, but I've done quite a few vinyl->CD transfers and Waves Restoration bundle didn't particularly impress me. I know you're an avid Mac user, but try cleaning the clicks and pops in Cool Edit Pro 1.2a on a PC (dunno if this section remained the same afterwards), I've been getting the best results there. It's great to be able to filter a single click and it works superbly, too.
I felt that Waves Rest.Bundle affected the recording too much, especially the highs.

Then again, I may have had to restore heavily worn records, whereas I presume you've taken very good care about your "1000+" record collection. :loco:
lol.... yeah, restoration plugs.. especially Xnoise will fuck up the highs... IF you are heavy handed with them...used properly there are no noticeable ill-effects.

and when i need to edit a single click i simply zoom in on it and deal with it in DP's audio editor... i'll happily throw my work, using my set-up, against yours, on the same "heavily-worn" record, using your PC/Cool Edit Pro set up. :D

i don't have quite the years and experience behind me that Neil does, but i have been working professionaly as a recording engineer since 1996, with credits in genres ranging from jazz fusion to metal to celtic folk to solo classical piano albums. mostly signed label work.... the discography on my website is heinously incomplete, a problem i intend to sort out soon. so, i know a thing or two about plug-ins and have a bit of an ear for audio.... it's not just a matter of using the right tool for the job, you also need to use the tool properly once you've chosen it. the Restoration bundle plugs are fine, when used judiciously... same as any other plug-in.

thanks though, ;)

We have now finished the rhythm guitars and also bass on 7 songs. It's sounding completely crushing. We've also started putting a dent in the vocal work too, and have one song complete so far.