Ninefold - Superstar

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Ninefold - Superstar
Casket Music - 2006
By Adam McAuley


I could sense a variety of influences playing into the band's rather unique and compelling indie rock flavor right from the get-go. Similarities can be drawn to bands of the style such as The Mars Volta and Refused, but unlike those bands, Ninefold don't manage to completely jump out and grab your attention in a mind blowing manner as those do, but leave a relatively decent impression on you.

There are verges in and out of various styles to maintain your attention as well as pretty solid vocals that have enough compassion to maintain your interest, but don't verge into territories that are too far in pitch for you to appreciate. The problem is that you've heard similar rock of the style, but in a more refined, explosive fashion performed by the above bands, so when something like this comes along it leaves a sort of unsatisfied taste in your mouth as the band sort of jive by in moderately interesting fashion, but never transcend any particularly meaningful boundaries. There are some slight deviations in their sound, to a tequila-esque style and others, throwing in just enough variation for one to consider it a fairly worthy rock album.

However, there really isn't anything on display here that hasn't been done better, so it just sort of falls by the wayside, but not without you acknowledging that there is some quality to be found. At times, I was reminded of The Deftones or some of the drudgier moments of rock, but those are some of the lesser moments to be found here. Overall, a decently enjoyable listen that holds up even better when stacked up against some of the radio rock it could be compared against instead of the bands mentioned way above. Check it out if you're a fan of the style. There's enough interesting elements added into the usual rock mixture to warrant an inspection.


Official Ninefold Website
Official CoproRecords Website