Str8 - Soul Inside

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Str8 - Soul Inside
Rising Works Label - 2006
By Adam McAuley


Str8 have a sort of dirty rock vibe that is sort of reminiscent of what the band Only Living Witness performed so well in their time. There is a heavy emphasis on the vocalic aspect of the band and though the lead man's voice is somewhat edgy and strange, he still manages to sound unique enough to rise above the proceedings.

Their sound is similarly slightly squeued, but maintains a relatively energetic and consistent pace throughout. The energetic vibe carried through somewhat alleviates a slightly mediocre aura that's drowned in the fact that you've heard similar things performed on many past occasions. It's just sort of cruises along capturing your attention with some slightly energetic pacing and a compassionate performances, but doesn't really have a memorable element that would really real you in for a completely exciting time. Instead, what we're left with is a decent rock album that has shades of other elements and some slightly interesting riffs here and there, but wallows in a realm of sameness and thus doesn't really capture your attention despite fairly competent performances on the part of the band. It thus mires in your head as something you've heard better from other rock bands and cruises by at a relatively unnoticeable pace throughout.

A few interesting moments are present along with the aformentioned sort of dirty vibe that carries it along, but there isn't really anything to make it completely stand out and grab your attention. Overall, a very average album that stands out at times because of a rather unique vocalist and some compelling riffs here and there. Check out if you're a really huge fan of just any rock bands in general or are looking for some music that will give you a reasonable amount of excitement, but certainly won't move you to tears.


Official Str8 Band Homepage
Official Rising Works Homepage