NP - Now Playing

NOrther!! damn I had forgotten about those guys...looks like I need to catch up!!

Ditto! Someone mentioned having them for ProgPower. I would love that 100% but I'm all for getting more extreme music in front of the ProgPower community! Maybe I should put together a show or something. Maybe, like a festival, I guess. And have bands like Dark Empire and Eternity Black cleverly disguised amongst bands like Outworld and Magistral! Just a dream...


NP Shadow Reichenstein - "Bela Was A Junkie"
Awesome dream Tammy, maybe once I get this TX mag going strong we can live that dream!! you got me on Shadow again...stop it you're infectious!!
Yes, it is a pretty awesome dream! I'll have to work on it. :lol: Maybe I'll have in a couple weeks, mid-July-ish somewhere here in Texas. I could name it after the festival I held in Michigan last year called Madfest! Wouldn't that be great?!

Yes... the infection is spreading! *taps fingers together like Mr Burns* Muwahahahaha!! What's your favorite song of their's? I like "Tombstone.. Call From The Grave" but my favorite live song is a tie between the two obvious: "Werewolf Order" and "It's Halloween" though "Zombie Dance Trance" is worth the money alone \m/

In fact......

NP Shadow Reichenstein - "Tombstone... Call From The Grave"

A co-worker made me a Stratovarius CD. I've never heard them before, but heard of them.

I like what I hear. Wish I could tell you the name of the song I'm on, though. I'll hafta pick up some of their stuff.

So yeah, NP: Stratovarius - Not sure.
Aborym ' Fire Walk With Us!' Mithras 'Behind The Shadows Lies Madness'