overdrive pedal


Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006
so i've read a lot of you guys and other professional recording engineers use a distortion pedal to boost the guitar signal before it reaches your amp; I've tried this idea on my amp and it worked like a charm.. what pedal would you guys recommend for me to buy? boss overdrive? tubescreamer or maxon808? sorry if this has already been asked!

I use the OD808, seems to have a big following, but any tube screamer type(808, ts-9) seems to work good with the high gainers.
Oh yes, this has been asked a thousand time ;)
OD820 > OD808 > TS9 but as said, the difference is very subtile and any of those will work for you.

Yesterday i A/B'ed a Boss OS-2, the Ibanez 808 and a cheap Arion Overdrive.
I like the Arion, i love the Ibanez, but i was blown away by the BOSS unit!

It's only around 70€ this thing is really cool !!! Def. worth a try!
I am pretty sure the SD-1 (boss) can be modded into an 808.

This is possible, but the asymmetrical clipping in the SD-1 is better left in, in my opinion.

anyone allready tried the krank one? would love to know how it is.

You're missing the point, I'm sure. It's not there to have more distortion, it's there to add mids and make the signal more focused so that the preamp is driven better. I highly doubt the Krank one is going to get the same effect.

No, I'm not. You're talking about overdrivepedals, I'm talking about overdrivepedals. The "Krankshaft" is the new overdrive-pedal from Krank. Why shouldn't it have the same effect as other overdrive pedals!?

PLUS I got an od808 by myself using it with an krank rev amp, I know what they're actually doing :)
My apologies, I had heard (apparently faulty) reports that the Krankshaft didn't tighten lows or make mids more pronounced - several discussions here have indicated that most people aren't clear on why it's used, and when people bring up 'ordinary' distortion boxes like the Rat, MZ, or DS-1, they don't see why the point is missed.

It might be time for someone to write a FAQ entry on TS-type pedals for the sticky section... Brett, would you mind if I submitted something for this purpose? I figure if Melissa Theuriau deserves mention, we should take care of this one.

It might be time for someone to write a FAQ entry on TS-type pedals for the sticky section... Brett, would you mind if I submitted something for this purpose? I figure if Melissa Theuriau deserves mention, we should take care of this one.



Idea: Write it in simplified English, so everybody gets the point.
Are you saying something about my long-winded and eccentric writing style? Because if you are... I'm going to make empty threats involving you, a number of sheep, and the Russian national anthem but not follow through with them.

Maxon OD 808 is the best for the money, and it's what I've used in my live rig. My personal favorites are my Keeley modded Ibanez TS808 and my Maxon OD 820.