Paul Crook- My Space


New Metal Member
Jan 23, 2004
Just an FYI to any Paul Crook fans...he now has a My Space site: and he has posted 4 songs. If you're a fan of some tasty shredding, listen to "Spare a Dime". Paul wrote this when he was preparing to perform as a guest of DigiTech at this year's NAMM. He was messing around with some settings on his DigiTech processor and produced a classic and very identifiable guitar scream of a very good friend of his and wrapped a song around it in tribute. Listen to the song and you'll know what note/ sound/ guitarist I am talking about.

Speaking of Digitech/ NAMM, Paul ripped it up and the company loved him. They are working on some things together that hopefully will be announced very soon. He's got a busy year coming up.

Visit his my space site and sign up. Paul always loved the Anthrax fans and gets a kick when Anthrax fans come up to him at Meat Loaf shows or other events to say hi and share their stories about Anthrax shows or his performance on Anthrax CD's.

Thank you.
Listening to his stuff makes me question why the fuck he was never acknowledged as a real member or allowed to write with the band... hell, dare I say Stomp 442 and Volume 8 woulda probably been much better albums of they had.
Complete and utter mystery
his live skills are good, and he nailed Danny's solos damned near perfectly, if there was a mistake, I think it was to improvise or goof around, or to add his own flavor. Cool guy and very talented on guitar. Makes me want to practice more!
And in your opinion what three gentlemen would they be. I think Dimebag, Caggiago, and Mr. Spitz. Too bad Dime actually wasn't lead, but he played in a handful of songs.
MetalThrasher442 said:
He's definetly talented. I just didn't think his solos were true Anthrax solos.
So what the hell is a "true" Anthrax solo?
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
his live skills are good, and he nailed Danny's solos damned near perfectly, if there was a mistake, I think it was to improvise or goof around, or to add his own flavor. Cool guy and very talented on guitar. Makes me want to practice more!

No two guitarist should ever play the same exact solo. I think it's funny that one person here likes how Paul embelished on Dan's leads, but other people think that Rob's embelishing was uncalled for.

Seriously, even Dan embelishes on his own leads, always has, most guitarist do! It's ashame that you go up there every night and shred peoples faces off and they still have something to say about it.
Thrillho said:
No two guitarist should ever play the same exact solo. I think it's funny that one person here likes how Paul embelished on Dan's leads, but other people think that Rob's embelishing was uncalled for.

Seriously, even Dan embelishes on his own leads, always has, most guitarist do! It's ashame that you go up there every night and shred peoples faces off and they still have something to say about it.

When my band recorded our guy did a few takes for each song of different things and we kept what he liked best.
Drokk said:
To quote Homer Simpson: "That's it, I'm outta here"
to the beer fridge, that is

The 80's were great, Joey in Anthrax, Reganomics, oooohhhh Corey Feldmen.

Bitchen times.