Quarter tuning - Winter Solstice


Dec 14, 2006
Brisbane Australia
So I've noticed that you guys use some sort of Quarter tuning on Winter Solstice? Looks like C#F#BEG#C# but tuned up a quarter of a step. May I ask why?

I've never found out why musicians do this. I suppose it certainly makes things sound different and unique - completely different sort of pitches to listen to. I wonder if it would make pitch perfect individuals go insane?

By the way I'm sitting here attempting to pick apart Black Swans on my piano - I need to ask, who the hell wrote that song. You fucking GOD.
You see... We recorded Winter Solstice with tuning down two steps. But slower and lower it sounds much more brutal and massive as to speak. I thought to play it on C# tuned guitar but in this case some grace of song have been lost. That`s why Solstice sounds how it is.

May be you`re right and this is the way to make music sound orginal, don`t know.In fact i think that only melodies and compositiion have to be uniquie but not the tuning or some sort of pitch.
But why did you choose to tune C# up a quarter of a step? Maybe you didn't understand what I meant. Quarter tuning is when instead of tuning from C# to D, you're tuning to a pitch halfway in between C# and D. That is what you have done on Winter Solstice. I found it because I was attempting to play along with it on my keyboard and because my keyboard isn't tuned a quarter of a step up, it literally made my keyboard sound out of tune. Upon pitchbending the keys up quarter a step I was then in tune. It actually made me contemplate if my keyboard had a heart attack.

Other bands have done this. I believe Pantera did it a fair bit on Cowboys From Hell. I just wanted to find out why you did it? Why do bands ever consider tuning a quarter step up?

I'm not so sure about losing any grace on Winter Solstice. It's a beautiful song, possibly my second favorite on the album.
Are you a guitarist? It is impossible to have all strings on a guitar out of tune which so happened to be perfectly tuned to something else. Also, the entire band was tuned a quarter of a step up - all guitars, bass, keyboards.. everything. It is no mistake.
I`m sorry! I explained the stuff not clear. I meant that we didn`t tune the instruments to quarter higher C#! First we recorded the song and mixed it down tuned on D and then used the software to pitch the song a bit down. That`s it, man!
No worries mate, I understand now.

I was beginning to think that the pitch was shifted down a quarter of a step after recording was done, rather than having all instruments set to that sort of tuning. It would have been meticulous and annoying for you all...

I find this very interesting how it has been tuned down a quarter of a step for sound reasons - to make it more brutal as you said. I might try changing the pitch of the song to D myself and see the difference, because although it's a quarter step, it could mean a lot.

I have written songs in the past where I've changed the tuning and noticed dramatic differences, even in consonance. A song tuned in E sounds has a completely different effect on the ears when it is tuned to D.

Anyway, back to the other half of my first post in this thread - who wrote Black Swans? So beautiful..
Are you a guitarist? It is impossible to have all strings on a guitar out of tune which so happened to be perfectly tuned to something else. Also, the entire band was tuned a quarter of a step up - all guitars, bass, keyboards.. everything. It is no mistake.

yes i am, its not impossible. I'd imagine its studio tweaking