Questions about Saxon




hello everyone,

first i would like to greet all the fans, of this great band, i think they rock - i am a new fan, but never the less then i have a few albums of then. no live albums though ;( nor vids.

Anyway, I was hoping someone here could give me a lot of information as i have choosen to write my english exam on the topic of Saxon the band. and the only source of info i have is the website, but it does not list information such as where they are from, why they started and so on.

Any help and information will be appreciated.

Thank you.


check the biography on saxon.and try some other web sites as yahoo,Bradford i think was were it all started?
mr x

Close Mr X. but not quite. Its Barnsley, thats how Biff is known as The Barnsley Big Teaser!
Just ask the questions you require answers on, and I'll see if I can help out as I've quite a bit of info on Saxon. A lot of it can be found in the Solid Ball Of Rock tour programme.

wow, great, thanks

well i do have a few questions but unfortunaly i need to list where i got the answers from, so i will have to find some info on some website as well ,) but i can also list other fans so that is ok ;)

anyway, down to business

- Where they are from, (already answered, Barnsley, thanks Mr. X and nige T)
- Why they began (I know this one is difficult to answer, but never the less then I would like to answer it ;)
- Why their sound is such a success(this will be mostly my own oppion as well as an attemp to describe why in general the music is popular - will require a bit of help for this ;)
- Where/how they get inspiration/themes for their songs.
-If there is a repeating theme in on all of their albums, or just in one song on each album that has this theme.

Thank for any help, this should do it.


just to let you all know, I am not from the UK so any info or material that you might have access to off hand, i will have a quite a problem getting hold of, unfortunatly.


Hi Gabriel and welcome,
Well to help answer a few of your queries would take me forever on this page.
if you have access to e-mail facility then why not send me an e-mail with as many questions as you like. email address is later....
I can then go through all my old music papers (kerrangs! from years ago, Sounds etc etc...) and give you as much info. as i can
Better still i will ask Female Rocker to send you her e-mail then you can chat with someone who really knows the band, her husband is wookie (real name alan), Saxons roadie af many years standing and a real nice guy.
Better still join in the chat room on sunday then you can talk to us all.
As a starter though my e-mail is i will be happy to type out as many bits as i can.
The chat room is found at
just sign in, we tend to have a group going at 8pm british time on Sundays.
where are you from?

all the best


I am from Denmark,

cool thanks, email already on the way.

I will see if i can get to join the chat room at that time, just gonna have to figure out when that is my time, shoulddnt be that hard.


nice - thanks,
unfortunatly, i cannot attend tomorrows meeting in the chat channel, going to some ridiculus family party :( - on a sunday.

Anyway, what i was wondering was if anyone can log or copy paste what is said inthere and then send it to my email, so i can read it.
And if possible if anyone could please ask some of the questions i posted.


so Memento Mori - where in denmark are you ?

Jutland, 25 km from Holstebro, been a fan of Saxon for about 2-3 years, and I'm going to the Saxon koncert in Esbjerg next month.

I am from Frederiksværk, Sjælland - and i raelly want to go, but I do not have a ticket, and besides.. it is in jutland..

anyway, did anyone talk about the questions i asked yesterday, i was unable to attend the chatmeeting :(

anyway, is there any of you that have material you can put on a website or something, as i need to have a place of referance for the information that i have used in the project, i would like to get ahold of some of the magazines and other zines that have information about Saxon, but i have been unable to find any here. I found a single magazine that talkd about Saxons new album Killing Ground and all they said was a crappy review ;( bastards, they have no real sense of good music ;) .

So if any of those that have a zine with some information could scan it in and mail it to me or put it on a website please. So I can print it and put it as an addendum to the project, i have to turn it in by the 13th of next month.



hi below is the killing ground review from kerrang magit got 4 out of 5 stars and said

you got to hand it to saxon, when it comes to ballsy metal they are kings, yes theyve had the odd hiccup here and there but theyve stuck to there guns and continue to create tasty albums with genuine air-guitar appeal. Biff Byford still sings like hes not his left nut trapped in his leather strides and guitarists doug scarratt and paul quinn whip up a veritable storm both dragons Lair and Running to the Border are especially feisty.
The only oddment here is a strikingly unusual cover of Court of the Crimson King which works precisely because its so unexpected Rock is our Life shrieks Biff during the chorus of the rousing closer of the same title-you better bleedin believe mate.


hi gabriel hes the review from kerrang mag about saxons Metalhead album 3 out of 5 ks on this album

more heavy metal thunder from the archetypal trad brit die-hards.

They may be an easy target for titters and sniggers, but throughout their career saxon have simply shrugged their shoulders and got on with the job at hand. fourteen albums in and barnsleys finest are still sufficiently stauch about their trad craft to call their album Metalhead. which is exactly who this album will instantly appease, as the title track wades in with an absolute stonker of a riff. song of Evil and prisoner keep the molten metal flowing with ageing wailer Biff Byford consistently hitting the high notes like a trouper.
Some of the blatent chuggery you might have heard a hundred times before, but the general spirit of this album could teach a few bands something about non-conformity. Basically its got big balls.And thats just great

hi Gabriel heres the Metalhead album review by the mag MetalHammer

Its Two decades since saxon became the first NWOBHM band to release an album, and the veteran brits are still going strong. In fact Metalhead is arguably the best album in years from Biff and the boys. Slicker, meaner, and harder, this 11-Tracker sees saxon virtually rejuvenated, spitting out a sound that might owe much to the Euro power metal, but still has undeniable British grit. By no means cutting edge, Metalhead does prove that saxon are far from the spent force some might believe (7)

Great, thanks Memento Mori - i wont be buying thecds, i dont have the cash for it, as much as i would like it, i will have to wait ;(

following is taken from the Biography
"In 1992 SAXON recorded another successful album, Forever Free, at Hey You Studios, Vienna, Austria and Gems Studios, Boston, Lincolnshire, UK. The album was produced by Biff Byford and Herwig Ursin. A single, Iron Wheels, a track dedicated to Biff's father is released."

now this might be a stupid question, but Ijust know that my teacher will be asking me this at the exam - so here it is.

Why was the single dedicated to Biff's father ? any special reason ?

Thans for the info Memento Mori


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