Sanctuary vs Nevermore


Jul 4, 2003
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Ok, this may have been done to death in the past, but I've looked back a while and haven't seen anything on it. ...and I'm bored of the lack of music related threads lately.

1) Do you prefer the overall band Sanctuary or Nevermore?
2) Do you prefer Warrel's vocals in Sanctuary or Nevermore?
3) Do you prefer the music (riffage, feel, etc...) of Sanctuary or Nevermore?
1) Nevermore totally. NM has many dimensions. Sanctuary was a bit limited, but ItMB was an awesome cd of its era. RD doesn't do much for me. All NM cds (and songs for that matter) rip. I need not elaborate.
2) I prefer a mix of Warrel's old style and his latter NM vocals. I do like to hear WD's higher vocals, such as on ItMB. He also killed in 'We Disintegrate'. His singing always seems to fit the mood, feel, etc... of the song.
3) Musically ItMB was killer. I do prefer the Jeff Loomis riffage all throughout NM. You can basically listen to any NM song and pick out killer riffs that just make you want to pick up a guitar. That's riffage!
Overall I guess it's tough to compare Sanctuary and NM. The Sanctuary catalog is too short to really develop...although ItMB developed! NM has become a total package of killer lyrics, killer vocals, mood and feel, total talent on every instrument, killer solos and melodies, and most importantly it is all put into an infectous package for each song.
descendencyfw said:
1) Do you prefer the overall band Sanctuary or Nevermore?
2) Do you prefer Warrel's vocals in Sanctuary or Nevermore?
Totally difficult question to answer. The falsetto vocals on Refuge Denied are friggin amazing. The emotion in Mirror Black are incredible... but I'm willing to sacrifice the falsetto for the emotion. with 50% emotion and 50% "hey look what i can do", Sanctuary has to be second here. Nevermore!
3) Do you prefer the music (riffage, feel, etc...) of Sanctuary or Nevermore?
I prefer the music with Nevermore (minus 75% of Dead Heart)... but Sanctuary had some killer stuff going!
1) Nevermore (only because Sanctuary had little time for development)
2) Nevermore. The self-titled definitely has the closest vocal styling to ItMB. I think in future releases Warrel should definitely incorporate more higher vocals.
3) Nevermore. There are just so many different feels to each album. There is a definite feel to each Sanctuary album as well, but Rutledge is no Loomis.

Now, I doubt that this would ever happen, but I'd like to see a re-recording of RD with a Nevermore spin on it.
Sanctuary was good, great, but not amazing like Nevermore. Although, Warrel's vocals were incredible then, he has yeaaars of experience now and his voice sound incredible still, so... NEVERMORE 1 2 3
when the 1st Sanctuary CD came out it was " love at 1st bite" I like Warrels high vox ...but I think Loomis is a better guitarplayer and the more mature sound of Nevermore is more my style and Warrels vox gets better and does his looks ....mmmmercy ! Oops Edit: Nevermore 1,2,3 '
1) Nevermore, but only because of album count
2) Sanctuary, his high screams are amazing and I wish he used them more in Nevermore.
3) Sanctuary, but it's very close. I like Nevermore's variety, but sometimes I find myself wanting more heavy or fast songs.
both are on each other, in their time periods....

Real saviours to cult heavy metal, thanks :)
add 1) Nevermore
add 2) Nevermore, but I also admire his capability to sing like a eunuch, i.e.mermaid :)
add 3) Nevermore (PoE is my fav, so... by all means NM). Sanctuary riffage could hardly steal my heart, although I like that b(r)and products.... Die For My Sins and Veil Of Disguise, mmmm.... :dopey: )