Saxon @ Mulcahy's, Long Island NY




The first thing I want to say before I get into the review is a huge THANK YOU to Golden Goose and RayM from the Iron Maiden BB for taking me to the show.

I hadn't met Goose or RayM in person until last night. They are some KICK ASS OLD SCHOOL METALHEADS!! We only knew each other via this BB. They treat me like an old friend and we had an awesome time.

Well on to the task at hand. I drove up to Clifton, NJ which is about an hour and half from where I live. Got lost and had to call Goose to figure out where I was! Luckily I was only around the corner from his house! We said our hellos and went to pick up RayM. From there it was about a 2 hour drive to Long Island.

We arrived at the venue (club) at 7pm. The tickets said SAXON were suppose to come on a 8pm. But the guys working the door said they wouldn't be on until after 9pm. So with sometime to kill we found a bar and got a bite to eat. We exchanged war stories over a few pints! Turns out the 3 of us had been to a few of the same shows.

We decided to check out the venue again. A coupla SAXON fans had shown up and were waiting out front. The door guy let us in and the place was packed with your average bar patrons. Turns out they were having a 9/11 benefit. These people had really no idea what they were in store for. SAXON were due to come out any minute.

A few more SAXON fans started to show up. There were maybe a 100 fans there. And the band finally took the stage at 9:30pm.

The Set List

Killing Ground
Dallas 1pm
Backs to the Wall
Power and the Glory
Broken Heros (dedicated to the heros of 9/11)
Coming Home
Motorcycle Man
Court of the Crimson King
Dragon's Lair
Conquistador/Heavy Metal Thunder (drum solo)
Princess of The Night


Solid Ball of Rock
????????? I can't remember!!!!!
This Town Rocks

As you can see the setlist wasn't very long. And they left out alot of the classics like Wheels of Steel, Denim Leather and Strong Arm. But it was a solid set and they were fantastic. And Fritz Carter's drum solo was amazing! He even had the people in the back that weren't there to see the band clapping! That guy @#%$ ROCKS!!!

Afterwards we went and got our t-shirts. They aren't Killing Ground shirts. They have the Wheels of Steel logo on the front and it says "20 Years" in the hubcap. Nothing on the back. 15 bucks and I was very happy to get one. I saw the band last night in NJ and they didn't have the shirts with them.

So being the little fanboys that we are we decide to go see if we could meet the guys. We went around the building to their tourbus. There were a few other fans waiting and the driver let us on. Biff and the guys were great! They signed everything we had. And there was alot to sign. Some of the fans had their entire SAXON collection! The guys posed for pictures and Nibbs Carter (bassist) came out and had a beer with us. He was @#%$ COOL! The guy is a maniac onstage and a @#%$ RIOT to talk to.

We had to wait for Paul Quinn to come out. So we went back on the bus to get his autograph. He signed my ticket stub. I told the band that I have been into them since I was 12 yrs old (1982). They thank me and the guys for their support. Then I told them the reason I missed them the last tour was because of a family wedding. Biff said you coulda made it to LAMOURS to catch us. We came on very late. You can blame UDO for that! Hehehehehehehe

Well it was time for the guys to shove off to the next gig @ Jaxx Nightclub in Springfield, VA. As the bus was starting to pull away the driver noticed that a fence was blocking his way. He got off the bus and said "Now I know that wasn't there before". Goose, RayM and I helped him lift it up out of the ground and move it.

Off they went! I had a blast this weekend. I made 2 new friends and got to see SAXON twice and hang with them.

Thanks again to Goose and RayM! If all goes well, I'll catch you guys at the ICED EARTH show at the Birch Hill in NJ this coming Friday.

Thanks for reading my review!


CHEERS!! I had a great time! Absolute pleasure meeting you too!

Ray, I had a blast! Nothing like a coupla OLD SCHOOL METALHEADS hanging out and exchanging war stories! I can't wait until my pictures get developed! I'll hopefully have them for the Iced Earth show. That is, if I can go.

Talk to you soon!

First of all, I have to say I totally agree with Ray and Twisted as Saxon kicked some major a** last night in L.I. I, too, had a pretty long drive to get there (about 3 hours) from Western Mass. I came alone as all my metalhead friends from my youth have "left home" and are now located all around the country (including myself). But a chance to see Saxon live is not something to miss as I have been a huge fan since I first picked up Wheels of Steel when if came out in 1980 (I was 16 at the time)! (Ray - I think I ran into you last night - the guy with the Bloodstock shirt on. Sorry I wasn't too talkative, I was a little under the weather but couldn't miss the show for something like that!)

I have seen Saxon several times over the past 4 or so years, but each time is just as great (or better) than the last! It had been a long time since I saw them for the Crusader and Innocence tours in Buffalo, NY to when I finally got to see them again for the Unleash the Beast tour in '98. Actually, I saw them twice that tour (New Hampshire and New Jersey) and again during the Metalhead tour in 2000 in Rhode Island. All kick-a** shows!

Now on to last night. As Twisted mentioned, they didn't play a very long set (I would guess that they wanted to play longer, but the venue management seemed to be pushing them along. In fact, for the show I saw in RI in 2000, they played over 2 hours!), but it rocked never the less! Doug seems to take most of the guitar leads these days, but Paul can still shred with the best of them. Nibbs is nuts (and a nice guy too - more on that later) and Fritz really impressed, especially with his solo. And Biff, what can you say about the voice of Saxon other than Saxon wouldn't be Saxon without him! (Sorry Graham!)

I did write down the set list, so here it is exactly:

Killing Ground (w/ intro)
Dallas 1 PM
Backs to the Wall (great song - 1st time live for me!)
Court of the Crimson King
Power and the Glory
Coming Home
Motorcycle Man
Dargon's Lair
Broken Heroes
Conquistador/drum solo/Heavy Metal Thunder


Solid Ball of Rock
Princess of the Night
This Town Rocks

As for after the show, I booked because of how I was feeling and the 3 hour drive ahead. Sounds like I missed a great finish to the night! It must have been great to visit Saxon on their bus. I did have a couple chances to meet them in the past: once at an autograph session after the '98 show in New Hampshire and another time when I ran into Nibbs and Doug before their show in R.I in '00. At the autograph session they were glad to sign several CD inserts for me (actually, I wasn't going to push it but Biff insisted in signing all I had) and talking to Nibbs was a real pleasure. he was a super nice guy and we talked for probably 15 minutes about everything from metal to our families (if you ever get a chance, ask what type of music his wife likes! :) )

Well, that's it for now. Have a great time at the Iced Earth show if you make it. I'd love to make it as well, but another 3+ hour drive just isn't in the cards for me so soon. I did manage to see them open on Megadeth's last (really the LAST?!) tour and as headliners they should be even better. If you don't have Alive in Athens, you gotta pick it up!

Rock on! Later...

Almost forgot, Ray (or anyone else who was there last night), any chance I can get copies of the pictures you took? Of course, I would pay for development and shipping. Should have brought a camera myself!!!

Saxon1inMass I saw you in the crowd! As soon as I get my pics from both shows developed, I'll post them in my Yahoo folder for all you SAXON fans to see.

When they come back around maybe you, Ray, Golden Goose and myself can get together and hang out OLD SCHOOL STYLE!

Sounds like u guys had a blast from what i read,i can't wait till friday when my turn comes to see the mighty Saxon.Sounds like their a bunch of cool guys i can't wait to meet them at last.

Cheers guys!! I remember the Bloodstock shirt! Maybe next time we`ll be able to chat longer? I took a walk around Mulcahy`s during the Fritz solo and was trying to get more Saxon fans up front. I got a few to come up anyway. I`ll have my pics hopefully by Wednesday? I don`t bother with the 1 hour development anymore. Pictures come out the same in 1 hour or 3 days. It`s just cheaper waiting, plus it`s fun anticipating too. I`ll let you guys know when they`re done. I`ll have them up on the web too. I can, and will, make copies for anyone interested. Saxon!! A fan friendly band!!

Saxon was just Great!I came in from Pa..near Reading.i had never seen them before,and counld wait to see them.I am also an old school metalhead(will be 40 this year) and i first got into Saxon when Wheels of Steel came out.Since then i have been a big fan.The cool thing is the girl i went with is only 21 and only knew Saxon a little bit,but she said she really like it.So that was cool.I would have never know about the show if it wasn`t for Glo.I have been wanting to see Saxon for 22 years! And because of her i finally got to see them.Glo you rock!I took the train from Trenton to go to the show.That in itself is an experience in it self..Penn Station at 1:30 am on a Sat is something to see,lol.
We checked at the door at aroud 8 :OO to see when Saxon would be on ,the we went and got something to eat.We got there at around 9:30.The place was decent..not a dive.There were a lot of people there.We walked towards the front and there was a spot ,after standing there for a few mins Glo said do you want to stand over there and pointed to the front of the stage,sure i said,so we were right up front ,in front of the bass player.
I also wish it would have been longer,but i was still blown away but Saxon.Power and the Glory..when they played that i grabbed Glo and yelled in her ear"thats my favorite song!" I`m glad i didn`t hurt But Saxon sounded great.I sure hope they get back to the area someday.I have always heard they were a great live band..and they are.


A funny story leading up to the Saxon show.My friend Glo emailed me after seeing Saxons name on the marquee of the bar.She said Saxon is playing there,but they had Saxon spelled with 2 xx.Saxxon.She went in the bar to ask about it,and at the time tix were not on sale.But she did tell them that the name was spelled wrong,thereis only 1 x.The lady working didn`t know ..she never heard of them.So anyway when Glo did go back and get tix..the same lady was working and remembered Glo and said ," we changed the marquee for it spelled right?" Lol..Glo said yes,that she had drove by a few days earlier to see if it was changed.She didn`t want Saxon to show up and see there name spelled wrong.Way to go Glo!


Ray, Twisted and everyone,

Next time, old school style! The sooner Saxon come back, the better!!!

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