Shaaman splits!


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I was expecting this since
  1. their last album was far from spectacular
  2. their website has been dead for many weeks
It's sad since after Angra split I tried to see the best in having two bands, now only Angra is left (btw "Aurora Consurgens" is much more promising/heavy than TOS).

I wonder what Matos will do now, I hope he's not getting the Kiske bug :Smug:

Down is the communicate is Portuguese, if anyone find the translation please post it.

Carta aos nossos fãs.

Ao ler o comunicado recente sobre o Shaaman, sentimos muito por não termos podido realizar um comunicado em conjunto, como pretendíamos, compartilhando oficialmente o desfecho deste capítulo de nossa história.

O Shaaman foi um grande sonho de todos nós, sonho este que, por diversos motivos, teve de ser interrompido, sem que, contudo, morresse dentro de cada um.

Sabemos que cada um dos quatro integrantes nutre ainda muitos ideais e desejamos que, juntos ou separados, eles materializem-se para que possamos sempre proporcionar o nosso melhor a cada um de vocês.

É por isso que, juntos, estamos concentrando os maiores esforços para alcançar uma conclusão adequada, da melhor maneira possível, sem atritos, mas com conversas, com ética, civilidade e respeito mútuo, porque entendemos que é assim que as coisas devem se resolver.

Criamos o Shaaman e, ao dissolver-se o Shaaman, não se dissolve o sonho, porque este vai conosco para onde formos. A música está acima de qualquer discordância e a ela continuaremos servindo.

Fazemos da música nossas vidas e sabemos o quanto já construímos ao longo de nossa trajetória. Vocês são a nossa maior prova. É por isso que esperamos ter contribuído com algo além da música para as vidas de todos vocês. O que fizemos, fizemos sempre com o coração.

A perda de uma grande unidade é certamente lamentável para todos, mas a unidade que construímos e que perdurou por tantos anos deve ser motivo de alegria e sua lembrança será bem guardada para sempre, inspirando outras uniões. Entendemos que nosso destino é criar e construir, abrir novos caminhos e atingir o inatingível.

Levamos conosco a essência do Shaaman e jamais deixaremos que ela se perca, pois representou muito nas nossas vidas: fé, dedicação, coragem e sonho.

Não é o fim de uma era. É o início da renovação.

Daqui para frente, temos mais uma grande página em branco a ser escrita na história. Com certeza, vocês nos acompanharão em mais este capítulo.


Luis Mariutti, Andre Matos, Hugo Mariutti.
Wyvern said:
I was expecting this since
  1. their last album was far from spectacular
  2. their website has been dead for many weeks
It's sad since after Angra split I tried to see the best in having two bands, now only Angra is left (btw "Aurora Consurgens" is much more promising/heavy than TOS).

I wonder what Matos will do now, I hope he's not getting the Kiske bug :Smug:

Down is the communicate is Portuguese, if anyone find the translation please post it.

So whats new. Andre has been unstable since he left Angra and very likely even before that.
sad news really I have both shirts and both albums. I liked them more than new angra.

I hope this was just like halford with fight, then halford (the band)

So I hope for a "Matos" band soon.
Too bad, I thought "Reason" was a step in the right direction for Shaman, as they brought some cool and fresh ideas on the table, while adding a bit of heaviness.


Wyvern said:
I wonder what Matos will do now, I hope he's not getting the Kiske bug :Smug:
Andre's a real artist/songwriter unlike Kiske, so I don't think it will ever happen. By the way he has already formed a new band (including all of Shaman except Ricardo), here's the line-up :

vocals : Andre Matos
bass : Luís Mariutti
guitar : Hugo Mariutti
guitar : Andre Hernandes (remember him, from the very early days of Angra?)
drums : Rafael Rosa
keyboards : Fábio Ribeiro

(Info from Angra and Shaman local fan clubs)
Fangface said:
vocals : Andre Matos
bass : Luís Mariutti
guitar : Hugo Mariutti
guitar : Andre Hernandes (remember him, from the very early days of Angra?)
drums : Rafael Rosa
keyboards : Fábio Ribeiro

Shit that's fast! :zombie: . Wonder why Ricardo didn't made it? Anyway as long as is rock/metal I will go for it, and even if not maybe too anyone got Matos/Paeth "Virgo"? I really like that album.
Ricardo owns the name Shaaman and there were too many arguments between him and the rest of the band, hence the split.
The new band fronted by Matos played Shaman and Angra songs plus new material at a Brazilian festival lately, from what I heard it could be a twin guitar version of Shaaman. Funny to see them hire an ex-Angra guitar player, but that line up might be temporary, I don't know.
Fangface said:
Ricardo owns the name Shaaman and there were too many arguments between him and the rest of the band, hence the split.

Most interesting piece of information. I thought Matos gathered them all after the Angra split and was the "driver factor" on the band. Thanks for the info, I love UMOS!

Wondering what the material will sound :Smokin:
Wyvern said:
Most interesting piece of information. I thought Matos gathered them all after the Angra split and was the "driver factor" on the band.
Maybe that's the case, I've never really known :) By the way Ricardo owns the "new" name Shaaman, but it was spelled Shaman before and no one had the rights to the name, so...