"Shit that's good!"


What year is this?!?
Sep 22, 2001
I've noticed recently that everytime a really awesome part of a song comes up - a section in the music that just totally has me in awe - I'll just stop and think "Shit that's good!", in stunned amazement. "They can't be writing music this brilliant, it's just not possible!" I think to myself. Just how amazing is some of this stuff? Fucking brilliant. I love metal!!!! Opeth in particular are a band that comes up with moments that leave your jaw on the floor.
Despite all the shit that's going on around the world, when you can kick back and slip on a great album, life really is good. :D
For me it's like balancing on a thin line up in the air...
One side being pain and the other side goodness...
Or maybe standing on one side where everything is all nice,
but if you cross the line there's total emptyness...
There's no other way to describe it for me...

There are some songs, and some parts of songs that
leave me hangin' and it's either love or hate...
Everything feels soooo nice, but at the same time it hurts.....
yep. absolutely. like the first time i listened to blackwater park and the funeral portrait came on (that mad dadanana riff, about two mins in "rain wash... etc")
good stuff that gives you a shiver
Originally posted by Blackspirit
For me it's like balancing on a thin line up in the air...
One side being pain and the other side goodness...
Or maybe standing on one side where everything is all nice,
but if you cross the line there's total emptyness...
There's no other way to describe it for me...

There are some songs, and some parts of songs that
leave me hangin' and it's either love or hate...
Everything feels soooo nice, but at the same time it hurts.....
this is really interesting. i read it earlier and it's been haunting me all day, so i'm responding. ;)

i think i know what you're talking about, but i've never really put it into words. there are some parts that i love so much that it hurts. i ache from the heavy beauty of it pressing down on me. especially that churning part from 0:50 to 1:45 of demon of the fall. it almost makes me feel uncomfortable, like i can't escape...yet i always skip to that track first (before playing the whole album, of course). awesome.
i usually find myself listening to those songs for ages and when in a hurry i fast forward to those parts, but after awhile they get boring, and about a month later you can listen to them again and they will still have that great effect.
I find the effect wears off after a while :cry: it annoys me..... This is the songs that give you goosebumps etc. and it wears off. They have the most effect, but other songs, eg. epilogue for me have a similar effect, they make go somewhere and sto caring about everything, like all Opeth albums but more. And that doesn't wear off
Originally posted by _Transparent_
i usually find myself listening to those songs for ages and when in a hurry i fast forward to those parts, but after awhile they get boring, and about a month later you can listen to them again and they will still have that great effect.

I love it when you find music that can have that effect on you. It rarely happens to me other than from opeth. I find that i can listen nonstop for months and it still has a great effect.