Six Feet Under


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Everyone seems to hate these guys with the very essence of their being, but are they really that bad? I have "Haunted" and it's actually pretty kick ass. This isn't death metal by any means, outside of the vocals anyway. I'd call it groove metal or something. :loco: So, outside of the Graveyard Classics series, are their later albums really such a god-awful joke?
the few tracks I've heard were quite crap, but they may have something worth listening to.

If you're into the old school stuff, go with Grave, Unleashed, fookin' ASPHYX, early Amorphis, early Bolt THrower and Edge of Sanity's "Unorthodox". I'm sure you have most of these, but I'm bored and felt like stretching my brain a bit.
i like everything up til and including maximum violence :headbang:. everything else since= absolute cheesy poopoo. and not the kind of poopoo i like.

i don't like chris barnes too much but i have to give him credit for inspiring me to try the grewlies.
JayKeeley said:
In fact, I'm so far removed from this band, when I saw the thread title I honestly thought you were referring to the TV show.


What have you heard by them? Allen West was with them for the first two albums and the debut is good if you ask me. I'm thinking about picking up "Warpath" and maaaybe "Maximum Violence," but I hear anything after that is terrible.
Don't ask me! Shit, I don't even watch the TV show either!! :loco:

Actually, I've heard certain tracks on compilations etc. I've heard that AC/DC disaster. I have the new 3 song promo. Maybe the old stuff is better than the new, but from what I've read, there are other things that should be on the radar before SFU.
What I've heard is pretty craptastic.

Barnes was pretty cool in Corpse, but Fisher is better.
you know, I am no big fan, but there is something fun about this band. Been listening to them lately. It's like a stoner, DM band.

Everyone claims to hate them, but on their Live with Full Force DVD, it seems the whole festival is completely apeshit over them live.

The new disc, 13, is supposed to be going back to their early days.
lurch70 said:
It's like a stoner, DM band.

The new disc, 13, is supposed to be going back to their early days.

Yeah, it's pretty much stoner-groove stuff with DM elements. I may end up with the sampler from the new album which would be a great way to see what direction they're headed in. For now, I'm sticking with the early stuff, we'll see if there's a surprise with the new one in the meantime.
Of course they are not bad. Their first 3 albums are great, with "Warpath" being my fav. - awesome groovy "Death" metal, wich kick-ass riffs.
I had to endure the Graveyard Classics 2 album to review it. Usually I listen to an album at least 2 or 3 times, but this was once and out. Holy shit, what a travesty.
I've only heard bits of their back catalog, but was never close to impressed.
there is nothing brilliant or innovative about this band, but if you shut your brain off and get drunk ... it might work.
check out the Live With Full Force DVD.