Songs that don't make any sense


Feb 13, 2006
So I was listening to Phil Collins (thats where you stop reading)
And I realized that "Another Day in Paradise" doesn't make any fucking sense. None. I read the lyrics and I was like, even if you're on drugs you have to know what the fuck is going on better than this.

Now in terms of metal songs, I thought of some (well, one) that don't make any sense. They are:

Death - See through dreams

What about you guys? Think of any songs that make you go... WTF?

And don't go for the "omg i'm kewl hardcore and emo makes me go WTF becuzcadfad 1t sucks BALLSACK". Unless your brain was pecked out by a raven. In which case, its acceptable.
GarinStone said:
So I was listening to Phil Collins (thats where you stop reading)
And I realized that "Another Day in Paradise" doesn't make any fucking sense. None. I read the lyrics and I was like, even if you're on drugs you have to know what the fuck is going on better than this.

Now in terms of metal songs, I thought of some (well, one) that don't make any sense. They are:

Death - See through dreams

What about you guys? Think of any songs that make you go... WTF?

And don't go for the "omg i'm kewl hardcore and emo makes me go WTF becuzcadfad 1t sucks BALLSACK". Unless your brain was pecked out by a raven. In which case, its acceptable.
I think See Through Dreams is about some guy that was born blind and in dreams he has vision, and knows what it's like to see. Yeah, it's a really weird theme for a song, but that wasn't at all uncommon for Death.
Life Sucks said:
I think See Through Dreams is about some guy that was born blind and in dreams he has vision, and knows what it's like to see. Yeah, it's a really weird theme for a song, but that wasn't at all uncommon for Death.

That makes sense. I know Death was weird but I guess I'm just not good at taking in abstractions like that.
Another song that doesn't make sense when viewed as a whole is the song in my sig (Mourning Beloveth - Narcissistic Funeral).

"Opened my veins yesterday and poured in the twilight
with its dead promises. Nothing makes sense in an imaginary
world that no one can touch. In the strange hours I dream of evenings
under moonrise and of fashioned ideals before they could turn
and go, had seeped their treachery into my widowed summers. Is this my lover, this face of death? I recoil to the unmoving view.

The soft, voiceless emotions escape the exhausted frame to assail
tomorrows empty heaven. The dawn, with its dull smell, fills my nostrils
and the stench of a burning sun separates the hope from silent lips.

There is something painful in the first spring bud of life, it tears at the insides and claws at the doors of tenderness
that riseth in black forms from an obsolete graveyard.

To cast my eyes on the horrors you have created or to turn and gaze
at the clouds? It remains cold and dark and the painless times revel in
a distant memory that only seem to trespass when the night is clear.

The bitterness tastes sweet and it conjures up images
of a narcissistic funeral
that injure my dreams
narcissistic dreams

The wordless world bleeds to the point of despair and the failed attempts to move end in quiet massacres. The lurid calm is a stalking mountain that eludes the perceptive eye but eventually overwhelms to send us cowering."

It doesn't make sense put together as a whole, though all of the lines make sense on their own (besides the one beginning with "there is something painful.......").
Those lyrics are amazing though. I'm going to get that CD. The music better be good too.

But I agree. The sense is not there.
Those are good lyrics actually. It makes sense as far as I can tell, except for the line you mentioned ("there is something painful..."). I wish more bands that went for a serious style like this could write lyrics on this level.

edit: this post is in response to Life Sucks.
GarinStone said:
Those lyrics are amazing though. I'm going to get that CD. The music better be good too.

But I agree. The sense is not there.
If you are talking about the lyrics I posted, the music will NOT disappoint if you like doomdeath at all. The music is better and sadder than the lyrics are. Narcissistic Funeral have been my single most favorite song for over half a year.
Life Sucks said:
If you are talking about the lyrics I posted, the music will NOT disappoint if you like doomdeath at all. The music is better and sadder than the lyrics are. Narcissistic Funeral have been my single most favorite song for over half a year.

The real question is, do I like doomdeath. I've got no fucking clue. I've been trying to listen to so much new music lately. I know I like the concept of it and the one or two My Dying Bride songs i've heard once i like.

But i'm sure I'll enjoy it. The lyrics really do look great instead of the typical crap.
Lots of songs dont make much sense but when you dig deeper into them.
Its all about personal preferance a song may not make much sense to you but does to someone else.