
Haven't made up my mind on it. I had only listened to those streaming ram-files they have on their website and it's not really my cup of tea (or glass of beer as Silkie would probably put it *g*)
But I can tell for sure that the word "amazing" didn't come to my mind......maybe they rule live!? We'll see.
I had loads of beer yesterday! :p (I was visiting a brewery with colleagues and of course we had a drink or another :D )

What could be Beer Metal Land other than Germany? :D
Okay, seems I'm the first of us who is back on the net since yesterday's show.

From what I heard the festival wasn't exactly well organized from the band's perspective but least we saw them playing a bit longer than the last time on that Rhapsody tour. Banx said there won't be too many shows in Germany in the next time/years but I tend to wait and see..........
Dirk now has a short haircut. We were lucky we had heard of it before we saw him, otherwise it would have been a bit of a shock. Looks pretty good though :)
The show was also the last gig with drummer Assy who leaves the band (again :rolleyes: )
It was quite hot the whole day but it startet pouring down on us during the last song.
As always, I cannot remember the setlist........did someone write them down? (Silkie?) But it was pretty much what you could expect them to play :headbang: What I don't really get is why the always play both "ballads" from the OHB album, namely Disbeliever and The cultman. Nothing wrong with the tracks, maybe they want to give the audience opportunity to cool down but I feel it is a bit too much. Maybe it's just me though.

Any additons from my fellow metal girls who have been there with me?! :D
None of us have been writing it down and Steven just had a handwritten one he had lost on stage. I caught a cold... funny first bleeding hot and then soaking wet... but more because of those who did the front roof of the stage down with out a warning! With other words on purpose... not a good recommendation for a brand new festival organizer...
yeahh, yesterday was very interesting the sun was hot Silki was red:D and later we all was weet:)
and we all drive with 17 knot in the docks:lol: :lol: !!!
The music was great and I make 106 Pictures from AD!
special Dirk's little strip!!

to Cornholio: sorry I'm late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Originally posted by Cornholio
@ Gauny:
short hair sucks !!! :cool:
I don't agree here. I love long hair, that's for sure..... but short hair can be very cool as well. In fact, I believe short hair sucks less when it comes to handling :p
I sometimes wish I had no hair at all :D