Steve! :)


Ruled By The Riff
Aug 22, 2005
Manchester/New England
Hi Steve!
Can you please do whatever it takes to make the bass on the up coming Testament album as clear and loud as possible? It's a crying shame how quiet the bass has gotten in some of my favorite bands. I loved how you could hear the bass so well on all the early records. Testament has been pretty good. But I wanna throw my two cents of support in just to make sure!
You rule man! Thanks for coming back. We're all glad it's you!
Were those albums with quiet bass produced by Andy Sneap? Because he buries the bass on everything. Except his own band. Big surprise.
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This has always been me. I've had this forum for over 15 years... before facebook; before myspace! It's died out over the past couple of years from Facebook and Twitter being kinda instantaneous, but this is a better way of interacting with comments and discussions.
As far as bass levels, unfortunately I don't always and sometimes rarely have a say in the mix level once I finish or send off my bass tracks. Believe me, if I could I'd have Spiral Architect bass levels on every recording I'm on!
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This has always been me. I've had this forum for over 15 years... before facebook; before myspace! It's died out over the past couple of years from Facebook and Twitter being kinda instantaneous, but this is a better way of interacting with comments and discussions.
As far as bass levels, unfortunately I don't always and sometimes rarely have a say in the mix level once I finish or send off my bass tracks. Believe me, if I could I'd have Spiral Architect bass levels on every recording I'm on!
Steve! you rule man. and I completely agree on the FB compared to a forum. To me this is where people go when they really want to talk music. I don't suppose you could pass it along that the fans would really like the bass nice and up front? lol