The best CD shop EVER!

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
At the moment I'm on holiday in Melbourne, Australia staying with my grandma.Thats why I havent been posting much lately as she has no computer. I live in he gold coast, Australia which is a much smaller city than Melbourne.

Anyway, Some guy on the John Petrucci forum recomended me to this shop "Metal Mayem". So I looked the adress up and decided to go.

So I went their and guess what. They had different sections of the cd stands (Black Metal, DeathMetal, Thrash Metal ect...)

They had heaps and heaps of prog cd's They had alot of very rare ones as well. I wanted to get like the whole standbut I narrowed it down to the five best/rarest

I got ...

Spiral Architect - A sceptics universe - The most insane 43:51 minutes of my life! The most technical thing ever. One of the best bass playing ever! One of the best guitar playing ever, ect.... CRAZY

Ring Of Fire - Dreamtower - When Mark Moals left Yngwie he wanted to make the perfect straight-out, no-bullshit neo-classical band with some amazing musicians (Virgil Donati, Vitalij Kuprij, Tony Macalpine ect....) I'm glad to say that that has changed into a more proggy direction. Some of the songs (tracks 8, 10, 12) sound like a planet X song with vocals! Vitalij's playing is better than ever with a different tone and is totally NOT Sloppy. Tony's work is amzing as allways. The singing takes a little bit to get use to (very high) but Mark is definatelyamazing. Virgils work is amazing (particularly on track 10) and same with Phillips bass playing.....AMAZING

Mike Romeo - The Dark Chapter - I couldn't beleive they had it. Some sick-ass licks and wierd harmonies (ala Cacophany) Its amazing how he has evolved over the years.

Zero Hour - The Towers of Averice - Also Technical metal like Spiral Architect but alot simpler. It gets a little bit repetitous for me. But great never the less. It also has the coolest cover ever.

And Power of Omens - Rooms of Anguish- Is it complex prog, or technical metal, er prog. Great complex music but the vocals are a love or hate type. Kind of like Geoff Tate style. The 20 minute epic "In the End" is by far the best.

When the guys saw what I was getting they were like "Dude how old are you" (13) And we talked for about half an hour all about prog. They were playing some great COB in the speakers. This is the first time that I've talked to "real-life people" about prog and they knew more about prog than me!!!

This is the only shop I'll get my Cd's from now on throgh mail-order when I'm back home.

Isn't this the coolest thing ever:hotjump::hotjump::OMG:o_O:)
You say you will order through they have a website or something?

-Geddy Lee
.Yeah... The place was great when I went. They had so many posters, shirts, haha, they even had a shitload of bootlegs. Hmm... I think I have the card laying around still. AH! Here it is... Okay, here's the address:
210 Thompson Street
And the number:
(212) 254-1100

Hope that helps.
"Impulse" in Roselle, Illinois (suburb of Chicago)

They have virtually everything HR/HM. Awesome selection of imports,
and other cool stuff you can't find anywhere else.

The website is:

Another very cool record store is "Amoeba Music" in Hollywood, CA.
Lots of New/Used CD's, Vinyl, Promo items, DVD's, etc. I spent
nearly $100. when I was out there last summer. There are also
stores in S.F. and Berkeley, CA.