The Chasm - The Spell of Retribution


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
The Chasm – The Spell of Retribution
Wicked World – November 8th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


My first experience with The Chasm was Conjuration of the Spectral Empire, which I liked. The Spell of Retribution, however, ups the ante and deserves all the praise it receives. Man, I so wish I’d heard this last year. Without a doubt it would’ve thrashed around in my end of the year list disabling opponents left and right.

Anyone familiar with the group will know that their albums are splattered with riffs-a-plenty and caked with complex arrangements in all departments. “From the Curse, a Scourge” commences as so with guitar leads cascading to and fro. Instrumental aside, “The Omnipotent Codex” enters the scene with antagonistic aggressiveness, and it’s immediately noticeable that we’re in for quite a ride. Brutality is most present at the 2:00 minute mark; love the riff at the 2:40 minute mark and the differentiation that follows. The flurry of double-bass at four minutes in is a welcome addition as well. “Conqueror & Warlord” utilizes intricate riffing at its inception and the drum fills are perfectly orchestrated to match the guitar sections. Conversely, “Manifest My Intervention” commences with dejected, clean guitar and works its way into a slower pace for The Spell of Retribution. Cancel the latter statement at the 1:30 minute mark. The remainder of the album displays controlled ferocity and spectacular musical performances on all ends. I absolutely fell head over heels for the incredible double-bass rolls that occur from time to time. And, any of the songs on The Chasm’s latest are well worth the time.

I didn’t feel as if I should delve too deeply in this review, cause this record is simply something you need to hear. There are minor drawbacks (average yet fitting vocals, tiny production complaints, etc.), but overall The Chasm are fantastic. When the aforementioned play, the metal of death is at its finest.


Official The Chasm website
Official Wicked World website
I've followed The Chasm's career for many years and it's great to see them finally putting out an opus such as this. Only thing that works against this is its extreme length, which makes it very daunting to listen to straight through.

This band has never thought of anything outside of their own vision when writing material, which is to be commended! :worship: