The iron maidens

Holy shit I didn't remember them being so pretty and hot
the rest of the band is good but the guitarists are so good !

Courtney Cox has also played in a few other female metal cover bands:



Queen Diamond:

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You guys have all hit the nail on the head, not only are these women good on their instruments, but they are lookers as well. Being a new fan I've been watching quite a few Iron Maidens clips on YouTube, and they are a serious, killer band. One thing I'd also like to commend them for is their backing vocals, they ALL sing! I just wish they would do the full backing vocals on "Two Minutes..."
Gimmick in my opinion. A bunch of girls playing cover songs and they get this much recognition? If this was an all male Maiden cover band, they would be completely obscure and irrelevant.

How about they write their own songs? You know, like Iron Maiden did?