The New Disincarnate & Control Denied


Dec 19, 2001
Louisville KY
I think that Death "Spiritual Healing" was James best Lead work ever! However I do love his work on everything he's done! His lead work on Obituarys "Cause Of Death" really got me into wanting to learn more about soloing as a guitarist!
I'm really looking forward to the new Disincarnate release as I feel its gonna give the Death Metal scene a Major Kick in the Ass!
Does anyone know if Thomas (At The Gates RIP) is still going to do vocals on it?
Also I'm really curious about the next Control Denied release! I know all the tracks are pretty much finished from what I've read!
Man I hope someone releases it soon! I read that Chucks Mother wasn't gonna allow it to be released! Man I hope she changes her mind if thats true!
The Control Denied album will be released. Chuck's mom, last I heard, was stopping it from being done, but this is not because she doesn't want it to come out, it's because there are some legal and other issues to sort out first. Chuck made it clear to her what he wanted to happen, so she is getting it all sorted out. The songs are written but they are not recorded. (if you want a more info 'official' comment, go over to the Steve Digiorgio forum, look for a thread titled 'Control Denied' (I think). It was a couple of months ago. Steve said pretty much what I just did, and there is a statement from Chuck's mom on the Death site ).
I had the chance to talk to Richard Christy twice last week (once in Cleveland and once in Detroit) and he said that before Chuck died, he did in fact get all of his guitar parts recorded and Richard's drums are done. The album is definately coming out, but they're just waiting for the legal stuff to clear up. He said that they hope to have the album out before the end of the year.
Originally posted by Soul Tornado
I had the chance to talk to Richard Christy twice last week (once in Cleveland and once in Detroit) and he said that before Chuck died, he did in fact get all of his guitar parts recorded and Richard's drums are done. The album is definately coming out, but they're just waiting for the legal stuff to clear up. He said that they hope to have the album out before the end of the year.

Yeah, really thanx man! I think When Man and Machine Colides will be Chuck's masterpiece, and we can't still waiting! I have the money for this one once Chuck left us!