Richard West

Sep 18, 2002
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The new THRESHOLD album will be called "March of Progress" and is due for release through Nuclear Blast Records in 2012.

The provisional song titles on the new album are 'Ashes', 'Return of the Thought Police', 'Colophon', 'Staring at the Sun', 'Liberty Complacency Dependency', 'Divinity', 'The Hours', 'Don't Look Down', 'That's Why we Came', 'The Rubicon' & 'Coda'.
The mood is like Dead Reckoning? Sorry, I have to disagree. Dead Reckoning was mostly about aviation. The sound, however, might be similar to Dead Reckoning (and Subsurface). They already progressed some since the first three albums, where the sound is slightly different. Still Threshold and awesome, but Wounded Land sounds different from Subsurface, and not just the vocals or lyrics. Or maybe their sound has progressed now as well?

The mood these song titles bring forth to my mind is rather...futuristic, technologic, industrial, machinary, scientific.

Not that I expect Threshold to suddenly turn industrial or EBM (though I wouldn't mind a few influences). That's just what I think when seeing the titles. March Of Progress also hints towards a progression in sound, or a progression of humanity...into the future.

Seems slightly familiar. You know, Clone? And Virtual Isolation as well. Threshold's covered such topics before, and that turned out great.