To Descendent...


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Hey brother I just read where you stated your health condition and 6er made a total mockery of it (big surprise). That pissed me off. As a long time poster myself I just want to say that I didn't know that about you and I wish you all the best, I actually work with a guy with the same condition. He struggles every day and I just wanted to let you know that me and the rest of the Anthrax family hope you're well, you've always got brothers here! Glad we're still here after all these years, hopefully many more! Cheers Descendent:kickass:
6er - Odd then that the overwhelming majority on here feel you overstepped the mark but you feel it's us being hypersensitive?

Mate, there is a place for everything on here but you clearly overstepped the mark. Anyone with any maturity could see this. Show some respect please. Making a mockery of someone's health isn't cool and surely even you can see that?
Hey brother I just read where you stated your health condition and 6er made a total mockery of it (big surprise). That pissed me off. As a long time poster myself I just want to say that I didn't know that about you and I wish you all the best, I actually work with a guy with the same condition. He struggles every day and I just wanted to let you know that me and the rest of the Anthrax family hope you're well, you've always got brothers here! Glad we're still here after all these years, hopefully many more! Cheers Descendent:kickass:

Mr. Sufferer,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my blackest of hearts. In all seriousness, your understanding means a lot to me. That you took the time to give me your well wishes and to let me know that I always have brothers here is so awesome and makes me feel great. Equally as much, I want to thank you for standing up for me and having my back.

aliasp, Cargath, Jono, timmyc, DarrellDeth: I would like to extend you guys the same gratitude.

I was diagnosed and operated on in early 2006-well after I joined the board-and again in mid 2007. I didn't find it necessary to post about it until our dear friend, 6er, had to joke about how listening to the voice of my favorite singer can exacerbate my symptoms. I, as I'm sure all of you, take my metal very seriously. Especially when it comes to our beloved band.

Mr. or Ms. 6er,

I cannot accept your "apology" because I do not view it as such-you kept making jokes about it. On top of that, you accused me of lying. To address your comment about my hypersensitivity: after being hospitalized 11 times in a two year period, you are up to your eyeballs in medical debt and forced to move back home. YOUR band is finally opening for Mastodon, but they find a replacement drummer for the show because you're in the hospital (Mastodon canceled the day of, so it's cool). You end up quitting after 4 years anyhow. Then your medication gives you osteoporosis (Brittle Bone Bushbaby Syndrome) so you can't be "Caught In A Mosh" next time Anthrax comes to town, or you risk breaking a hip in your mid twenties. Hypersensitivity.

Now, there's no way I could expect you to know any of that. Nor do I expect you to care. Like I said, you just kept insulting and making jokes. I've learned to deal with it and am now healthy, so I'm open to jokes about it...from my friends, which you are not. I took it the way I did because of how much irritation from you has been building up. Dealing with Crohn's and listening to Anthrax are a part of my daily routine. When you wrote what you did on top of incessantly rubbing in the fact that John Bush is no longer in the band, I couldn't ignore it.

Look, forget that you wrote whatever you did to me. My brothers on the board stood up for me, and I will stand up for them: I really wonder where the moderators are these days. If you had been posting the things you have been during the first reunion, you would have been canned a long time ago. We've been posting as friends and having peaceful Joey vs John debates for years, and it hasn't been peaceful since you've signed on to antagonize us. You've made this a very uncomfortable place to visit. Again, forget what you wrote to me, you have taken your posting way too far. No one appreciates it.

I don't hate you: your grammar is proper and I will admit that some of the things you write are creative, in a 5th grade sort of way. However, I just wish you would put your writing creativity to more positive use.

-Robert Hastings
For the love of Joey, don't turn this forum into fuckin' Facebook.

Im probably getting banned for this but I gotta...... Fuckin joking about someones health is not funny.... here, there, or anywhere. Lots of us already think your a tremendous cunt just from your average posts. Now you have elevated your little game to the super cunt smegma encrusted level. There are several people here, myself included, that are either dealing with debilitating illness or are caring for someone that is. Like what was said above, you gotta be pretty tight with someone to become comic relief for their issues. I admit I have had fun reading SOME of your posts and back and forth banter but this is not the right issue for you to step into. Please do the right thing and drop it on this one. You have plenty of threads here to jump in and bash Bush and his fans. There is no need to work blue.
Sorry to read of your struggle and sorry that tiny little shit head had to fuck with you about it. Just ignorant.

Mr. Sufferer,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my blackest of hearts. In all seriousness, your understanding means a lot to me. That you took the time to give me your well wishes and to let me know that I always have brothers here is so awesome and makes me feel great. Equally as much, I want to thank you for standing up for me and having my back.

aliasp, Cargath, Jono, timmyc, DarrellDeth: I would like to extend you guys the same gratitude.

I was diagnosed and operated on in early 2006-well after I joined the board-and again in mid 2007. I didn't find it necessary to post about it until our dear friend, 6er, had to joke about how listening to the voice of my favorite singer can exacerbate my symptoms. I, as I'm sure all of you, take my metal very seriously. Especially when it comes to our beloved band.

Mr. or Ms. 6er,

I cannot accept your "apology" because I do not view it as such-you kept making jokes about it. On top of that, you accused me of lying. To address your comment about my hypersensitivity: after being hospitalized 11 times in a two year period, you are up to your eyeballs in medical debt and forced to move back home. YOUR band is finally opening for Mastodon, but they find a replacement drummer for the show because you're in the hospital (Mastodon canceled the day of, so it's cool). You end up quitting after 4 years anyhow. Then your medication gives you osteoporosis (Brittle Bone Bushbaby Syndrome) so you can't be "Caught In A Mosh" next time Anthrax comes to town, or you risk breaking a hip in your mid twenties. Hypersensitivity.

Now, there's no way I could expect you to know any of that. Nor do I expect you to care. Like I said, you just kept insulting and making jokes. I've learned to deal with it and am now healthy, so I'm open to jokes about it...from my friends, which you are not. I took it the way I did because of how much irritation from you has been building up. Dealing with Crohn's and listening to Anthrax are a part of my daily routine. When you wrote what you did on top of incessantly rubbing in the fact that John Bush is no longer in the band, I couldn't ignore it.

Look, forget that you wrote whatever you did to me. My brothers on the board stood up for me, and I will stand up for them: I really wonder where the moderators are these days. If you had been posting the things you have been during the first reunion, you would have been canned a long time ago. We've been posting as friends and having peaceful Joey vs John debates for years, and it hasn't been peaceful since you've signed on to antagonize us. You've made this a very uncomfortable place to visit. Again, forget what you wrote to me, you have taken your posting way too far. No one appreciates it.

I don't hate you: your grammar is proper and I will admit that some of the things you write are creative, in a 5th grade sort of way. However, I just wish you would put your writing creativity to more positive use.

-Robert Hastings
Im probably getting banned for this but I gotta...... Fuckin joking about someones health is not funny.... here, there, or anywhere. Lots of us already think your a tremendous cunt just from your average posts. Now you have elevated your little game to the super cunt smegma encrusted level. There are several people here, myself included, that are either dealing with debilitating illness or are caring for someone that is. Like what was said above, you gotta be pretty tight with someone to become comic relief for their issues. I admit I have had fun reading SOME of your posts and back and forth banter but this is not the right issue for you to step into. Please do the right thing and drop it on this one. You have plenty of threads here to jump in and bash Bush and his fans. There is no need to work blue.

Well said.
Im probably getting banned for this but I gotta...... Fuckin joking about someones health is not funny.... here, there, or anywhere. Lots of us already think your a tremendous cunt just from your average posts. Now you have elevated your little game to the super cunt smegma encrusted level. There are several people here, myself included, that are either dealing with debilitating illness or are caring for someone that is. Like what was said above, you gotta be pretty tight with someone to become comic relief for their issues. I admit I have had fun reading SOME of your posts and back and forth banter but this is not the right issue for you to step into. Please do the right thing and drop it on this one. You have plenty of threads here to jump in and bash Bush and his fans. There is no need to work blue.

I really appreciate you support. Thank you. I am very sorry to hear that you or someone you are caring for is struggling with an illness. I wish you nothing but all the strength in the world.

About you "probably getting banned for this," don't worry. It's more than obvious that the moderators don't look after this board anymore (not that you wrote anything bad at all in the first place!). I don't remember what johnnieCzech was banned for during the first reunion, but it couldn't have been nearly as asinine as what our esteemed colleague, 6er, has been posting.
I really appreciate you support. Thank you. I am very sorry to hear that you or someone you are caring for is struggling with an illness. I wish you nothing but all the strength in the world.

About you "probably getting banned for this," don't worry. It's more than obvious that the moderators don't look after this board anymore (not that you wrote anything bad at all in the first place!). I don't remember what johnnieCzech was banned for during the first reunion, but it couldn't have been nearly as asinine as what our esteemed colleague, 6er, has been posting.

I believe he was talking shit about the band. :rolleyes:

I have no idea what Brent does anymore.
No one talks shit about Joeythrax and lives to tell the tale. Let that be a lesson to all you Bushbabies.

Dude, you are so right. Thank you so much for reinforcing the fact that I will get banned for insulting a fictional band known as Joeythrax. Lesson learned.
Good. Now kneel by your bed shaped like a racecar, interlace your Cheeto-stained fingers, bow your emo head, and ask Joey for forgiveness.

Unfortunately, I don't have a racecar-shaped bed, nor do I eat foods that high in sodium. I do not listen to emo, but post-hardcore. Fugazi, Rites Of Spring, you know. Or maybe you don't. My rabbi specifically told me not to pray to Henry Rollins, so I'm sure the same goes for Joey Belladonna.

Nice try.

Because the most important thing in live is, that you listen to maximal manly music... perhaps someone who's favorite singer is a squealing poodle should be the last to call any music gay ;)
I believe he was talking shit about the band. :rolleyes:

I have no idea what Brent does anymore.

I need to clarify JohnnieCzech was NOT banned from the board. He chooses not to post since one of his posts was deleted for going against the last reunion with Joey B. My comment about "talking shit" was sarcasm towards the crazy tight modding we had back then.
Anyway, Johnnie was always a real cool poster and added much to this forum. He even told me in a PM back then why he stopped posting and I just plain forgot. SORRY JOHNNIE!!!!

anyway, lets try to play nice ;)
Hi Descendent,
sorry to read about your condition - good to read that all is better now.
You will "kill that dragon"!


Yeah..Johnnie is just around the corner...actually - Johnnie do you mind joining us?
Not cool. Seriously trying to reason with you in a mature manner but obviously you just don't get it.

Just go. Absolutely NO one wants you on here.