Tribute to DEATH to include members of Slipknot, CKY, Malevolent Creation and others

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Acceptable by who? Metallers who support the underground, and usually the underground only.

A better lineup wouldn't be more acceptable to people who like CKY and Slipknot.
Yes, metallers whom support the underground only.
NO, I just cant fucking see, a punk piece of shit band like CKY playing A Death song... it'd be like Blind Guardian play a Marduk song. It would sound like shit. (though I love both Marduk and Blind Guardian)
I mean who the fuck cares about the people who like CKY and Slipknot!?!?! what about the people who would rather hear Other Death metal bands play a Tribute to Death? wouldnt that sound Better? and fuck I could see bam margolis or whatever the fuck his name is captializing on this shit! fuck them, let death metal bands play death metal songs.
well people that listen to that weak shit like cky and slipknot should just listen to weak shit. i dont give a shit what would be more acceptable line up to fags who listen to that shit. im a true fan of chuck and i would like to see death metal bands play death songs then some fags who shouldnt even be aloud to own instruments cause they suck ass so bad, no talent what so ever a 5 year old kid could play that weak shit. for the fags who want the line up to be weak fuckers they shouldnt even be aloud to listen to death because chuck was the best and i dont want to see some new metal or gay weak band play death. i say either original members or worthy death metal bands do it. but accually if you want this to come out thats gay, why would you wanna hear someone else play death when you can buy death cd's and listen to chuck accually playing??? they think people are ganna think their cool for doing a death tribute band but any real chuck schuldiner fan would be as pissed as me. But anyway support the underground and you people who listen to weak shit thinking its talented look at their tabs and look at death metal tabs thats if you are too dumb and uncoordinated and dont even know the difference between a gay chord or note or pitch harmonic. All those bands should all be ashamed of themselves for playing weak shit and thinking they are good enough to play death songs. if weak bands like that think they can play death songs and the solos they must think death sucks cause i play brutal and melodic shit and i struggle when i try to play death shit. so you weak fuckers quit playing weak music little kids could play and get some fuckin talent. you weak bands make me sick playing weak shit and people say oh fuck yea thats brutal or fuck yea that guys talented when you really accually suck ass and you know it, making people think its talent. well if weak fuckers tried to play in front of me or any other death metal band they would find out in 2 seconds how bad they really suck. well im done for now so peace out.
one more thing before i leave if you guys want something bad ass from death there is still the control denied that hasnt come out which chuck recorded his tracks before he died and the symphony chuck wrote before he died but i read hammer heart records wont do it which is gay if those famous ass dudes were really a fan of chuck they would be doing everything they can to get that symphony done and not be worrying about the tribute band i know i would but then again im a real fan not a poser acting like a fan so people will think im cool cause i did a tribute band for death which again has been done 2 or 3 times i think it was 3 but anyway they cant beat demonic plague which was performed by mainly death metal bands, there is no compitition they are gay they need to realize how gay they are for trying to be better then demonic plague if those posers even know about it or the together as one tribute which they probably dont which means they dont know shit about death besides they are ganna sound like shit playing death songs and by the way the slipknot guitarist is fucking weak he plays gay chords and scales and wouldnt know talent if it was handed to him.
what the fuck i just read some older posts from this some of you are the biggist fags oh slip knot is metal they are a good band yea right they arent mainstream the are gaystream for all you gaystream faggots i thought this was a metal forum not a fucking emo/nu metal/gay my pals dick eating my pals lover forum for the gaystream i wish i could just figure out why people like non talented music and who ever it was that said lyrics dont matter and said some shit about deicide well ah im not a big fan of deicide but glenn benton would fucking would tear you a new asshole i got audio of him calling this christian rock radio station and those people were freaking out when the read the lyrics and glenn benton went off on them several times i have all the audio clips of that your all just part of the gaystream and ganna have to face it. you all couldnt handle the underground death metal any way so i hope you all die and find out there is no life after death its one long dream, so fuckin suck it.
Yes, metallers whom support the underground only.
NO, I just cant fucking see, a punk piece of shit band like CKY playing A Death song... it'd be like Blind Guardian play a Marduk song. It would sound like shit. (though I love both Marduk and Blind Guardian)
I mean who the fuck cares about the people who like CKY and Slipknot!?!?! what about the people who would rather hear Other Death metal bands play a Tribute to Death? wouldnt that sound Better? and fuck I could see bam margolis or whatever the fuck his name is captializing on this shit! fuck them, let death metal bands play death metal songs.
Norther do a cover of Smash by The Offspring
Metallica do a cover of Last Caress by The Misfits
Whats your point?
Bam Margera isn't a member of CKY, he is the brother of a band member who isn't included in this CD.

Brutal, I'm not even going to read what you said untill you learn what Punctuation and Paragraphs are and stop calling everything "weak shit" or "gay". Wise up, you remind me of 12 year old Slipknot fans that I moderate over at Black Goat.
Stand-Ablaze said:
Brutal, I'm not even going to read what you said untill you learn what Punctuation and Paragraphs are and stop calling everything "weak shit" or "gay". Wise up, you remind me of 12 year old Slipknot fans that I moderate over at Black Goat.
its okay, let me sum up his "posts" for you: "Slipknot is gay, CKY is gay, and anyone who likes them is gay"
It's a fucking insult that shit bands do tributes for legit bands. Stop trying to protect these shitstains. Wtf does a band need a 3 man drum section? Gene Hoglan would fuck him all up. It's so fn sad. Nu-Metal is not metal. Therefore no tribute should be made by any musician from that genre. They can go make a tribute to coal chamber or some shit.
You talk some shite son, you know that don't you?

Wtf does a band need a 3 man drum section?
That's like asking why Iron Maiden need three guitarists.

They have 1 drummer, and 2 custom percussionists, they add another effect to the already great drumming, and do most of the backup vocals, including most of the growling or background screaming. they don't just drum. It's a good addition to a band like Slipknot.

Slipknot aren't nu metal, people are just too ignorant to see through the mask gimmick. and that they are a dreaded mainsteam band. God forbid a band be mainstream nowdays and claim to be metal.
well im sorry i don't have punctuation but im not a fag like you so im not to worried about it.Only the gay man himself would have something to say. you shouldnt even be here you faggot dont you see where it says supports the underground when you first come here. I think you are the most nu metal faggot ever, so dont be gay cause gay people are fucking sick, and listen to some brutal shit and maybe you wont stay that way. support the underground you pussies, this forum is fucking gay it supports nu metal. this will hopefully be my last post because it pisses me off arguing about chuck schuldiner with nu metal peice's of shit. you can't appreciate chuck like i can, so eat a fucking my pals dick you gay ass son of a bitch. now my brutal self will be off to the northwest death fest tomarrow. you guys should go to a death fest one day and find about what true metal and talent really is. SO LATER PUSSIES.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
It's a fucking insult that shit bands do tributes for legit bands. Stop trying to protect these shitstains. Wtf does a band need a 3 man drum section? Gene Hoglan would fuck him all up. It's so fn sad. Nu-Metal is not metal. Therefore no tribute should be made by any musician from that genre. They can go make a tribute to coal chamber or some shit.

Thats right dude you know whats up, just if these nu metal fuckers would just take the time to figure out how gay they are, and yes gene hoglan would blow them away. the 3 man drum section is gay listen to some hate eternal or origin 2000 plus beats per minute. so these nu metal guys dont know shit they think those weak drummers have talent when they play a way slower reverse beat of death metal, it just makes me fucking sick. I really think no one should do the tribute cause why hear anyone else play death when you can hear the real shit with chuck. that must mean they think chuck either sucks or they are as good as him which i beleive no one could wright a better song then chuck.
Stand-Ablaze said:
Norther do a cover of Smash by The Offspring
Metallica do a cover of Last Caress by The Misfits
Whats your point?
Bam Margera isn't a member of CKY, he is the brother of a band member who isn't included in this CD.

Brutal, I'm not even going to read what you said untill you learn what Punctuation and Paragraphs are and stop calling everything "weak shit" or "gay". Wise up, you remind me of 12 year old Slipknot fans that I moderate over at Black Goat.

Who the fuck cares about metallica doing a cover of a misfits song! The MISFITS are "weak shit"! Look at metallica now! Norther, who the fuck is that?
My point since you can't read...A TRIBUTE TO DEATH, SHOULD BE PLAYED BY DEATH METAL ARTIST'S! I wonder if I should underline it for you?
well im sorry i don't have punctuation but im not a fag like you so im not to worried about it.
lol I stopped reading there.

Who the fuck cares about metallica doing a cover of a misfits song! The MISFITS are "weak shit"! Look at metallica now! Norther, who the fuck is that?
My point since you can't read...A TRIBUTE TO DEATH, SHOULD BE PLAYED BY DEATH METAL ARTIST'S! I wonder if I should underline it for you?
I care about Metallica doing a cover, so that awnsers that.
I used them as examples that bands don't have to, or need to stick to one style.

I can read, and I'm not agreeing. A death tribute should be done by people who appreciated the music, death metal or not. It could be Eminem for all it matters.
I bet you'de enjoy eminem covering death huh fag? You'll probably reply to my post after Trl is over. Is that who tells you what you music your going to be buying this weak you silly little faggot? Chucks turning over in his grave right now. Nu metal must die 1000 firey deaths. I'm so sick of seeing teen angst filled faggotry on the street corners of america. You cant even go to the grocery store nowadays without seeing 4 kids with more piercings than pimples sporting a shitknot or corn shirt. EmTV blows donkeys and horse's get tickled from behind. Keep it troo not nu.
Yeah, I'd reply to your post after TRL is over, if only we had TRL over here :rolleyes:.
Your a joke :lol:. lol, honestly, but okay, your right, your right, I know, I'm a nu metal kiddie, and your the grand lord of metal. :( Sorry.

Grow up and put up something worth while debating.
for the love of god, this is a fucking joke. i doubt any member of shitknot has ever even heard any death. if they had they would have packed up and left ages ago, in comparison to death - you surely would break your own legs before listning to any of this inane bullshit. slipknot are a band for little kids who want to seem like their more than a goddam statistic. This is what death was about: not bending over and taking it in the ass from commercial frauds. this makes me sick and im sure im not alone.
Black_paragon said:
for the love of god, this is a fucking joke. i doubt any member of shitknot has ever even heard any death. if they had they would have packed up and left ages ago, in comparison to death - you surely would break your own legs before listning to any of this inane bullshit. slipknot are a band for little kids who want to seem like their more than a goddam statistic. This is what death was about: not bending over and taking it in the ass from commercial frauds. this makes me sick and im sure im not alone.
congratulations! you're retarded!

and is it so hard for you morons to realize that Slipknot aren't playing on this tribute? apparently not.
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