UK Riots

That vid that Ol posted made me speechless.
I'm glad my cousin returned from London 2 days ago.
Some guy got shot after shooting at a police offer, and his family and friends started a protest, which then got escalated by all the scumbags in London using it as a chance to 'FUCK DA PO-LICE'. Then all the other spineless fucks in London, and across the country, thought they'd imitate them, as they finally had the chance to 'fuck da law' without being caught.

Don't worry, everyone's safe if they stay indoors. Well unless they live above a shop, in which case, there's a chance some scum might set their home alight.
Basically some dude was shot an killed in Tottenham by the Police. I've been told that he was shooting at them but thats the not the point.
The next day I think it was the Saturday just gone there was a peacful protest and everything went horribly wrong. Rioting broke out, loads and loads of houses were burned out,
cars were destroyed, police or otherwise, I think a bus was set on fire and 42 people were arrested. Some police officers were hospitalised too.
This was on the news while I was at work and the footage of the aftermath was pretty shocking, to me at least.

Theeeeeen last night rioting broke out over the country, basically a culmination of not alot of money, people having nothing else to do and peer pressure.
From my point of view it alls comes down to people think they can loot things and get away with it, then use the "But everyone else was doing it" excuse. Which while being an excuse is still a big part of why it is all breaking out. Also fingers are going to be flying but you could blame loads and loads of things. People are going to be blaming games, and for once I agree to an extent. You could get ideas of looting from GTA, hell it could have been your first contact with that sort of thing, or it could be from TV, whatever.

Also there's going to be alot of "FUCKING CHAVS" and self righteous people of facebook calling for people to be shot, all the stuff that usually happens. My view on chavs is something I can't be bothered to go into now so I won't.
Oh also from the pictures I've been seeing on tumblr (From this lovely blog Ol posted: you will notice alot of the people are black. Prepare for alot of dickheads of facebook being immensely racist. I also believe that the guy who was shot in the first place, Mark Duggen, was a coloured guy.

Also the rioting is going all over the country. Like I said my parents went out to eat last night and then were told to go back home because of rioting. That was from Clapham station which is about a 10 mins train journey away from where I live. Also my mate just told me he was shouting at by some drunk guys telling him to "Stop rioting", a load of blame the youths coming too.

Oh Joy........................

lol. Man...I feel that way more often lately; humanity seems doomed. The reports I have read online about the riots in London are deeply concerning. Hopefully this problem can be settled peacefully, without too much violence and offers solutions so that everyone involved feels like they gain something.

I fear riots taking place here in the U.S. They might not be too far off either. I have read alarming reports about flash mob beatings and robberies here in the U.S. There are a lot of people with nothing who really have nothing to lose and as somebody who has a nice place to live and possessions this scares me. Maybe I am being paranoid, but I am considering purchasing a firearm for self defense.
i also liked how Ol shared the link of ''Infected Nation + lyrics'' on facebook. have you heard the interview by BBC with 2 girls who took part in the riots? -'' but why are you doing this to innocent people?'' - '' eeeehm, not innocent people, we're doing this to the rich people.. yes! the rich people!.... oh..and the conservatives... we just wan to show them that we can do what we want''

My family were in the thick of it in Liverpool last night. Did lots of sleeping then.... yeah. I wish. On edge.

But this has shown that the conservatives should not be running our country. They want to cut public education money and the police force. Specifically in poorer areas. Areas such as Buckinghamshire who are rich as fuck have no been hit at all by these cuts.

So we're left unsafe on the streets because these fuckers want to cut our police force drastically! It's not the conservatives fault that these chav scumbags are doing what they are doing, but it shows that they are flawed. Take a look... and they've also said today that they still want to cut police forces. Theresa May will step down, and she needs to go.

Rioting is not the answer at all. But when all of this settles down we need change to our government. The Tories have to go.
I dunno man, if we had a Labour government they would've enacted the same cuts.

Even if Theresa May did step down, she'd just be replaced by someone equally as useless.

All parts of the country are experiencing cuts, but the reason why places like Buckinghamshire aren't being cut as much is because they were less reliant on government spending anyway, so there isn't as much to cut.
Hope you guys are all alright, my thoughts and prayers, hopefully these shitbags stop soon enough so you can live life in peace again.