Video of me playing "The Odyssey"

Alright, I think your playing is pretty good there. I'm no guitarist. but I think you're playing it quite close to original and your technique is very good. You seem to be in tune and so on. One complaint would be that the clean section is too quiet, but that's not a biggie. Great playing!

Edit: I must say I'm quite impressed with the soloing part in the end. Well done.
That was great, usually the guys in youtube make some mistakes, atleast in the harder parts, but your playing was smooth and all went how it should be, lol

Musicman Petrucci signature guitar?
thanx guys, i really appreciate the compliments. yea i dunno wtf happened to my distortion pedal, but w/e - i'm just playing through a little line6 spider ii practice amp. the webcam i recorded has really shitty sound; the computer speakers and amp sound awesome in person, i swear.
GOD DAMN YOU BASTARD!! how did you learn to play so fucking great? I watched your Inferno vid also and it was better than all the ones i have seen. If only you had better sound/recording materials. Keep it up dude i wanna see you do the rest of the odyssey and maybe some new songs? Walls of Babylon perhaps? At least symph x now knows if romeo ever dies they got a backup guitarist :lol:
Just recorded this about 45 minutes ago. Not that great of quality, but it was my first take and I've never recorded a video of myself playing before so BACK OFF!!!! jk, I wanna know what you guys think.

Dude is there any way you could make the videos downloadable? My sound card doesn't work, but I could transfer it to my ipod and watch it on there.
Wow. Very smooth, well played. Also checked your vid of cover I've seen on youtube so far. It's easy to see (and hear) you're one of the few that practice with the metronome cause your playing is very tight. I love how you nailed the solos, especially the keyboard's one on Inferno. :kickass: