What are you doing for Turkey Day?

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
I am going up to Detroit, Michigan for a family reunion/my cousin's wedding. I plan on getting drunk with a buddy of mine around the suburbs up there. I think I'll only be 10 minutes from Mort since I'll be in Livonia.
I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but I bet eating turkey will be involved.
I had my thanksgiving a month ago.

But just to piss all the Americans here off, I plan on celebrating not only our thanskgiving, but yours as well. :lol:
Have to go to my moms tonight because she is working tomorrow (quite gay indeed). Then thursday I'm going to my uncle Rick's to see my grandpa, then to my aunt's to see a few cousins, then to my dad's to chill and watch football.
Huge dinner at my girlfriend's house. Her family, her roommate's, her roommate's boyfriend's, and mine will all be there. It's going to be fucking chaos. Alcohol will be required.
Cooking at home (Boston) with my parents, per usual. All the traditional fixings, turkey, stuffing, smashed potatoes, green beans and cranberry sauce, plus pumpkin and pecan pies.

My uncle, nephew and sister and her fiance are coming, too.