what do you all think of the CDROM?

oh yeah man! it kicks ass... especially the new songs.... its truly great...
only complaint is how it fades out and skips parts of songs and then fades in... i'd rather less songs shown, but with full songs
yah I decided to sacrafice, to have more content on there instead of full songs cause later on we will release a dvd, that will have all that shit on there as full quality plus, possibly some of the full songs from those old shows, the best takes from each show.
Yeah interviews will come later, most live interviews we never got to see, and they were for public access shows. The file is ment for the Vehemence fanatics, that is great the EURO version contains all that extra stuff, I will contact Metal Blade Germany to send us the Euro version. Can someone cut and paste which Bio they used in English?

Oh yes the differances betweent eh GOD WAS CREATED USA version and the EUROPEAN version of it was the Euro version had a full color cd while the USA one had no white coloring on the disc itself which made it look holographic. Is it the same for the European version, full color cd or..??
From 36:00 on is when it got cooler.
I liked the studio/jam pad/early show stuff.

Didnt really like the fades of songs at the beginning, & was hoping for interviews & tv stuff y'all have done.
But if it's gonna be on a dvd that's even cooler...& it gives me a reason to get the shows I recorded of y'all on a tape to John. :)
Teaser aint it? The tv stufff would have been illegal to use, without permission, so we refrained for that, and the Decapitated footage with Nathan as well, since we would be selling it. Yeah I need all the video footage stuff. Full songs, I figured we have so many damm songs, I rather tease everyone for now cause there will be more to come, and it would be nice to have some live proffesional footage of the band at a crowded show done with 4 cameras or somthing. Reminds me of the old wiskey a go go cannibal footage.