What to Do, If Anything?

I know, shoulda been a poll

there's a girl here at work who has been off for a month seeing psychiatrists for anxiety disorders and panic attacks; she just recently got her BA, a career 7/9/11 position, and bought a new house. Now they are about to fire her and she will lose it all, everything she has worked so hard for. her friends are still caring, but we get tired of extending a hand and having it slapped away.

today she called me and wanted me to hack into another computer and give her confidential info on the leave share program where we can donate our accumulated leave to those with none. I could do it easily but did not want to get sucked into a vortex like this so I told her it wasn't possible. (Years ago when I was young and stupid I warned someone they were under threat for disciplinary action and was grilled for it). She's already broken into one friend's house and vandalized it when she perceived that person's actions to be disloyal.

This is the second person close to me just in this year to flip out and although I'm gaining a vast new insight and sympathy into the mentally disturbed, I am not liking it. It is a lesson I could do without.
:yell: :erk: :cry:
give this chick xanax.
also, write her a letter and tell her what you think. don't disclose anything work related she doesn't know, but just tell her personally as a friend what you think, in writing.
I'd love to prepz I actually have 39$ but am saving it for Armored Corps: Nexus which comes out next week - my son NEEDS it.

truly, if I was a billionaire I would be the most generous gift buyer in HISTORY. It is a shame for the world at large that I am mired in the bogs of poverty.

p.s. the chick is already on meds, they make her laugh uncontrollably and pace like a caged leopard being poked with sticks.
Seriously Lizard I feel for you. Do as preppy said, write to her how you feel about the situation. You are in no position to give her the info, especially in the business you are in.
lizard said:
She's already broken into one friend's house and vandalized it when she perceived that person's actions to be disloyal.
So she's not just suffering from anxiety but from paranoia as well. You were wise not to give in to her "request". I vote for the letter idea as well, a very non-confrontational letter explaining your situation.
I remember of buddy of my dad's snapped one day (apparently during a particularly intense psychoanalytical session) and went completely bipolar and he was in a similar position: how to let that person know you're still there for them but can't deal with tha crazy, y'know? I don't know how close to her you are, but the closer you are the harder it'll be I reckon. :erk:
I've never been buddy buddy with her but we would exchange CDs, etc. for a while I was getting through to her by taking the approach of telling her, hey, don't let the bastards win!, you know, trying to rally her rebel spirit...
I think as one by one of her compadres just can't take it any more and fades away, she is beginning to see me as one of her few remaining pals, simply by proxy. I care about her and as I've said I have a heightened sensitivity toward what she's going through, but I'm leery of the potential fallout here.

I think I'm going to follow the inestimable minxnim's advice.

plus, I think the handicapped girl in the file room has a crush on me. I'm so not ready for this.
She sounds volatile, personally I would back away really slowly until she no longer cared much for you. If it was a good friend I would do the letter thing, but if she's vandalizing her former friend's houses for being disloyal, the direct approach doesn't seem like a good idea.

My first solution is just the quick and easy way. Until the guilt and jailtime set in of course.
nope. she's a nice girl and I have always made a point of it to say hi how ya doin and now the inevitable happens and she's captured by my swave and debonnir manner.

so to encapsulate my life:
Lizard/Rick: irresistable to crazy women, gimpy mail clerks, and fat muslim women
Azal that last is a story for you:

there is a woman up at the front desk who has been banished there because her first muslim husband married her to get citizenship and then dumped her for being too fat, so she remarried another muslim guy who has dual citizenship with morocco and so that's a red flag on her security clearance. No clearance, no working with the personnel files so she's stuck being a receptionist until its cleared up, and if its not cleared up she gets fired.
she's been making cow eyes at me.