What's been pissing you off lately?


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
What's been pissing you off?

Let's keep it tame now. :D <--- I've already violated that rule. Woops?

  • This fuckin wireless PS3 mini-keypad thingafuckball. Firstly, it attaches to the top of the controller instead of at the bottom. I have to detach it just to write my storyline about my CAS knocking some ho up backstage in "SvR 2010".
  • The fact I'm using said piece of shit to write this post (here's to hardcore masochism!).
  • People who type "first" when replying to videos/pics/anything. It's mildly amusing actually, but I still think they need to have their face smashed into the monitor.. Or tape razor blades along the top and bottom of their laptops/notebooks, slam their fucking faces into the keyboards, then guillotine the fuckers.
  • Lars Ulrich. He can't drum for shit and I can't stand even looking at the fucker.
  • Brian Ashland. The sole reason I will never buy the new Shadow Gallery album. Sorry guys, but find someone who can fucking SING instead of squealing so horribly, he makes Britney Spears sound talented in comparison...

So that's all for now.
Well he said in an interview he can play guitars too and that he never saw himself as a singer... Given the multi-talented musicians in the band, they sure don't need another guitarist, or someone who records vocals during a proctology exam.

Anyhoo, here's another:

- Having to slap the side of my TV just to get the picture to show again every couple of weeks.
1. MERCENARY breaking up. WHAT THE FUCK. Seriously. Like some others have already said they made some of what I consider to be my favorite albums of all time....and they chalk it up to creative differences! BULLSHIT. (However, I am really looking forward to Mikkel's new project)

2. Windows Vista (need I say more)

3. How when you buy a new motherboard (like my new MSI NF980-G65) you have to do a clean install of Windows.

4. People who claim to be a so called "fan" of something but don't know jack-shit about the thing that they're a fan of. Example - fans who think it was Matt Barlow singing on Night of the Stormrider. Once again, WTF??? I want to use my fists to punch a hole the size of a goddamn dinner plate through their fucking faces for not knowing the most basic of facts about the thing(s) that they are supposedly fans of.

5. Artillery Whores - ever been gaming online with someone who just bombs the shit out of the map killing everyone including teammates? Artillery whores - I'd like to rip of their heads, piss down their open neck holes and yell at them to play the fucking game instead of pussying out, hiding and artillery spamming.

6. In game spammers - the people who don't know how to shut their pie holes. Thank god for the !mute [name] command.
  • People who quote anything in Youtube videos as if they think they're pointing something out we may have missed. Fuck off! In all fairness, I suppose it's easy to obsess over a line (or lyric or whatevers) in the video but shit, it's constant. Do people intentionally try to be complete morons?
  • Slipknot. Nuff said. Kill them.
  • Ooohh a "Hellbilly Deluxe" sequel album coming up sometime in... uhhh who gives a shit, 2010. The first album was a puddle of over-commercialized infected rabid dog piss. 2 good songs coupled with too many other repetitive pieces of shit just so the fucker can say he released a "full length album". By the way, don't ever disrespect Strapping Young Lad again you cocksucker. Hang yourself with your dreads.
  • World of Warcraft ads. We know this piece of fuck exists and there's millions of people who play/played it. You don't need to keep spamming every fucking website out there. Cut the shit and finish Diablo III already you shit stains.
-the people on the road that all of a sudden pull out in front of you and then take thier sweet-ass time for the next 5 fookin miles.

-the same morons that drive with thier pets sitting on thier laps...with the pets head hanging out the window. annoying.

-when people ask you a question...then as you try to answer or explain, they interupt you and answer it for themselves.

-the snow-plow driver that just came barreling past my driveway-right after i just finished shoveling it.

-cowardly terrorists and the supposed intelligent people that can stop them...but inexcusably fail to do so.

-most female bartenders that are too interested in gossiping with others-than interested in taking my fookin order of beverages. a cute one with a nice rack use to eleviate this, but not so much anymore.

-punks who wear thier pants hanging below thier asses...the same punks or anyone for that matter that don't offer a seat or hold a door for the elderly.
Upgrading from Windows XP SP3 to Windows 7 Ultimate ...... talk about BSODs! Took me 4 fucking days to get a stable install with no crashes or BSODs.

After the fact, Win7 is fucking beautiful and more than makes up for the piece of shit that was called (and will be completely forgotten in time) Windows Vista.

Can't wait to start gaming with DirectX 11 !!!!!!
-the people on the road that all of a sudden pull out in front of you and then take thier sweet-ass time for the next 5 fookin miles.
Yeah, or people who don't understand blinking yellow/red lights, right-of-way, and those who don't GO AROUND a car turning left when they can easily do so :erk:

As for Vista, I really haven't had any issues with it, so I'll most likely stick with it till I get a new rig entirely. I'm stoked about the impending Mass Effect 2 release :kickass:
The long ass delay on the U.S. Health Care Bill... The greedy Republicans have stolen yet another election for the Mass. Senate seat vacated by the late Ted Kennedy.
The long ass delay on the U.S. Health Care Bill... The greedy Republicans have stolen yet another election for the Mass. Senate seat vacated by the late Ted Kennedy.

You are MAD about the bill being delayed? If you or anyone has even the most remote fragment of common sense and analytical ability, you would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama's health care reform, once it has been passed through, watered down, ground up, and spit out by congress, will be one of the most catastrophic pieces of legislation in the history of the country, and timed at one of the worst possible junctures.

What am I mad about today? The seething masses of livestock who actually bought into, and placed all of their "hope" in the same old campaign rhetoric bull shit from yet another would be puppet president whose strings are pulled, more than any other figure in our country's history, by global financial interests. That people STILL, despite nothing but one action after another to the contrary, continue to wear rosy blinders and believe that our leaders are working our interests, that pieces of legislation like this health care bill are actually for our own good.

Sorry... it just KILLS me how ignorant people can be, and it KILLS me how people do not see how Obama is the fucking same old shit, with the same old policies that the world lambasted the Bush era white house for, the same stomping on civil liberties, the same lie after lie after lie, and he gets the fucking Nobel Peace prize while INCREASING hostilities in an ongoing, unpopular, senseless, bloody war.
right on thorns. in b4 sh1tstorm

Lets try to keep politics out of this though. We all hate politics and politicians so lets just avoid stating the obvious. XD

what pisses me off is.....

drama among friends. I'm tired of seeing my friends at weeks apart (work and school get in the way) but when I do hang out with em I have to catch up with whos mad at who and who says they will never hang out with other said person. I don't want to catch up on the drama, I just wanna hang out with everyone like we did before.

City cops, for some reason the ones I deal with are complete assholes.
Hah hah... that is why I keep my friend circle to a minimum... no need for drama among friends if there aren't enough to make it!

I have about five really good friends, and half the time I hang out with them individually, so I tend to stay out of or not have to deal with drama at all, as there is little.
You are MAD about the bill being delayed? If you or anyone has even the most remote fragment of common sense and analytical ability, you would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama's health care reform, once it has been passed through, watered down, ground up, and spit out by congress, will be one of the most catastrophic pieces of legislation in the history of the country, and timed at one of the worst possible junctures.

What am I mad about today? The seething masses of livestock who actually bought into, and placed all of their "hope" in the same old campaign rhetoric bull shit from yet another would be puppet president whose strings are pulled, more than any other figure in our country's history, by global financial interests. That people STILL, despite nothing but one action after another to the contrary, continue to wear rosy blinders and believe that our leaders are working our interests, that pieces of legislation like this health care bill are actually for our own good.

Sorry... it just KILLS me how ignorant people can be, and it KILLS me how people do not see how Obama is the fucking same old shit, with the same old policies that the world lambasted the Bush era white house for, the same stomping on civil liberties, the same lie after lie after lie, and he gets the fucking Nobel Peace prize while INCREASING hostilities in an ongoing, unpopular, senseless, bloody war.

Thorns... I respect your opinion but you're a little off on this one... We are in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. No one here can argue that. We are in two bullshit wars that were paid for with 5 Bush/Cheney tax cuts and by the previous adminstration's looting of the National Treasury. Obama is in a situation were he can't pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan for reasons of losing support and public sentiment. The national Unemployment Rate will hover at 9%-10% for the next year or so. The only way the economy will recover is with Health Care reform. Employers are refusing to hire employees because of the high cost of Health Insurance. Once a viable Health Care bill is passed. The economy will rebound. That is a guarantee.
I'm not a supporter of either party. I'm registered as an Independent.
Fair enough.

On what basis do you feel that the economy will rebound?

And, really, no disrespect intended, the last response was quite heated. The bill that has passed is hardly recognizable as the piece of legislation originally put forth to Congress, and nothing like the one promised. It is a hackneyed, fully compromised, pathetic excuse of a system that will crop up institutions little better than the free clinics run by half trained or no trained volunteers in Berkeley. Seriously. What is there to feel secure about?
  • Constant fucking Dream Theater references! Fuck Dream Theater. I've long lost interest in this band and would fap if they ever split up.
    Now their shitty boring fappy happy music isn't what bothers me. If I don't like it, naturally I won't listen to it... Of course, before I picked up "Redemption - Snowfall on Judgment Day", an extremely common factor I found was the fact that the reviewers were obviously thinking more about DT than Redemption for the "review". It also doesn't help that that completely talent-devoid fuck Labrie guest stars on one of the tracks of the album. I always skip that one simply because of him.
  • "Mechanize will be the next Demanufacture!" or "Fucking waaaaahhh this isn't Demanufacture kthxbai!!!" Ok stupidass, go climb a tree, jump off it, and get fucked by every branch on the way down. If you love fucking Demanufacture so much, then listen to fucking Demanufacture and let us FF fans enjoy their later albums.
Wow shit, and I'm the one who said "let's keep it tame". :D
Fair enough.

On what basis do you feel that the economy will rebound?

And, really, no disrespect intended, the last response was quite heated. The bill that has passed is hardly recognizable as the piece of legislation originally put forth to Congress, and nothing like the one promised. It is a hackneyed, fully compromised, pathetic excuse of a system that will crop up institutions little better than the free clinics run by half trained or no trained volunteers in Berkeley. Seriously. What is there to feel secure about?

One of the biggest issues was when Bush redirected the feds that were watching Wall street and threw them all at terrorism after 9/11.

No one was watching the hen house.

Once we see a Health Care reform bill passed employers will start hiring again. The institutions will stay the same. Same hospitals, same clinics. Health Insurance costs won't be monopolized anymore.