Where my peeps at?

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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What is everyone listening to lately? What new releases are pummeling your balls in? That's assuming you have balls, sorry ladies....

Inquiring minds wanna know...

Evil C.
What's up Evil C.? As of late I've picked up Ithyphallic, Nile's new cd. I found it to be a pretty decent album, brutal as always. It was pretty similar to Annihilation of the Wicked and if you liked that you should pick it up if you haven't already. Other than that I recently bought a copy of Souldrainer's new album titled Reborn. It's slow melodic death metal and it is one of my favorite albums. Based out of Sweden, the only way to get the cd is to order it from mascot records. I thought it was well worth the price. Check them out if you have time. That's about it, I could say more but i don't want to boor you.

ps-when's the next podcast coming out, i'm pretty excited for it. i was the kid that requested Black God Aftermath by Naglfar on your voicemail. Also, tell me some stuff I should check out. Keep it Metal!