Where the hell is everyone???

If you're talking about Cryptos Grimm, his band is called Spectral Manifest, dude taked to me the other day. Seems to be somewhat of an enigmatic fellow, but I asked if we could play one of their covers for the upcoming Metalbands of Myspace episode and he said sure. :kickass:

Maybe he'll post more in the future, from what I gatehr, he reads a lot, but doesn't post as much.
Demonic Nosehairs said:
hmm, seems like that, but theres like only 4-5 people who actually read and respond to this forum.
whatever happened to that guy from that band cryptos or whatever?

Still here. Took some time off from music creation, getting inspiration, etc...

Looks like it's picked up a little in here, I have topics and posts to read. :devil: