Which Ulver album should I get first?

It depends on what you like...based on your avatar (I am making a generalization here...forgive me if I am wrong), it would seem that you like black/dark metal. If this is the case, start with their first, "Bergtatt." It is beautiful black metal...occasionally harsh, too. Lots of acoustic interludes, and some really awesome and creepy monk-style chant vocals. Totally recommended. It was the first I got, and it's still my favorite of theirs.
Nugent Goes AOL said:
It depends on what you like...based on your avatar (I am making a generalization here...forgive me if I am wrong), it would seem that you like black/dark metal. If this is the case, start with their first, "Bergtatt." It is beautiful black metal...occasionally harsh, too. Lots of acoustic interludes, and some really awesome and creepy monk-style chant vocals. Totally recommended. It was the first I got, and it's still my favorite of theirs.

That sounds very interesting, indeed. I think their new sound is more like electro or industrial. If so, I have no problem with that. I am a Rave/Trance fan too ;)

I will wait for more opinions, but I might as well get the debut.
I wouldn't suggest starting at Themes. It's pretty inaccessible, if you ask me. I'm still having problems with it.

I'd suggest Kveldssanger, and then Bergtatt, and then Nattens, and then by then you'll be hooked probably. ^^
Ones NOT to get first:
Anything with 'silence' in the title.
(I like the above, but they are only ep's, and probably not a good first experiance)
Probably also should avoid Kveldsaneetegfysyf (I can't remember how to spell it, but you know the one I mean ;)), unless acoustic guitars are your thing.

If you're a black metal fan, then Bergtatt, if you're a major Darkthrone fan then Nattens, if you like electronic stuff then Perdition City, and if you want an album with a mix of pretty much all their various styles (except for black metal, there are metal elements but nothing I'd term as 'black metal'), then the William Blake is your best bet.
Personally, I'd recommend the William Blake one, it rules (they all do, but this one more so ;))
So, it seems that it's a tie between Themes and the debut so far.

Btw, I listened to the samples on The End's website (well, the mail order section, to be exact). And the only one that caught my attention was the one from Themes. Now, I am not saying others are bad albums, but I was trying to decide to get one of the albums by listening to those samples, and well, I liked the one from Themes. But still, if you think I better get the debut, or the second one, I'll go with your advice.
If you're interested in the electronic stuff, I'd really go for Perdition City first. it's much more accessible and easy to get into than Themes... All Ulver's releases are so different though, it's quite hard to recommend the first one to get to someone else.
IcemanJ256 said:
Beast In Flames: Why don't you just go for whatever you liked the samples of most.

That's what I did at first. I listened to the samples and I thought I liked the one from Themes the most. But those are 60 secs samples taken from somewhere in the middle of the songs, so I thought maybe you guys had better suggestions.
If you want metal, Bergtatt.
If you want electronica, Perdition City.
The rest will fall into place in any order.

Don't worry about the filesharing thing, 90% of my CD collection was purchased without hearing a single note from the band. ;)