why are girls evil?


next in line...
Oct 15, 2001
Trondheim, Norway
well, first a little background info; as some of you might have noticed, I have talked about a girl in the Valentine's Day thread. and well, I like her really much... but then back to the background info; for some months ago, I belive it was before x-mas, not quite certain though, there was made a list over my schools hottest people, and well I was at the top of the list :) there is more then 2000 people on this school.

And well, I did like it alot :D but did not really think that much about it...
but then, now at valentines day, I got a card from a girl, and i saw that it was the same girl that had written the list who had written me the card.

so I just had to find out who she was, I did know which class she was in, so it was standing between two girls it could be, since she wrote in the card that she listend to bands like Nightwish and Hammerfall...

so, then at friday night, I were at a Paul Di'anno consert... got drunk and then called to find out for certain who she was... and well I found it out, and I became so happy! 'cuz I had ben interesed in that girl for a long time.. did not really know her though, I had only talked to her once...

I talked to her for a long time on friday night, and it seemed that this could be something. so then, on saturday I talked to her again, but she did not have time to meet me, she were going a birthday party of her grandmother...

so at sunday, I sent an SMS to her... did not get an answer before 17:00(or something) she had just woke up(late night it seemd :) )
but anyways, i sent alot of SMS with her then, and got to know more about her, and it seemd this really could be something!

but then suddenly.... she tells me that she are together with someone else....
i just got crushed.. yes i did not know her well, but I have never felt like this about a girl before, and then she smacks me in my face!
are all girls just as evil?!

most people think about me as a guy who dont got many feelings, but that is just 'cuz I dont show them, but I did to her, I opend up completly, I've never done that to someone before...
and well, now I feel really down...

@Blackspirit; i acctully managed to write a happy song about her, but now, my songs are even more depressing...
Originally posted by HellSpawn
but then suddenly.... she tells me that she are together with someone else....
i just got crushed.. yes i did not know her well, but I have never felt like this about a girl before, and then she smacks me in my face!
are all girls just as evil?!

most people think about me as a guy who dont got many feelings, but that is just 'cuz I dont show them, but I did to her, I opend up completly, I've never done that to someone before...
and well, now I feel really down...

@Blackspirit; i acctully managed to write a happy song about her, but now, my songs are even more depressing...

Man! This makes me so sad :eek:/
First of all you were SO cute in that Valentine's thread.
Anyone in love always have a special glow :eek:)

I hope, and actually know that this is not just a girl
thing, and not all girls are like this :eek:) Why do you ask
this? Has it happened to you before? >:eek:P
It's weird how she lets you get so close, let you open
up completly and then she tells you she's with
someone!? She probably liked the feeling of being in
love again.... Those few first weeks/months (depending
on the relationship) is extremly special.... All the strong
emotions.... Maybe she wanted to feel that again?

Did you ask her what she really wanted when she let
you get so close to her, and the other way around?
ARGH! Let's face it, we're all bitches! >:eek:( Hehe...

So, c'mon, post this happy song about her, and then
post all these depressed lyrics of yours!
Me wants to read!! :eek:))
hmm.. well, she has actully told me that she ment everything she said.. but I still cant stop feeling angry on her...
but she does not dare to meet me and talk to me now....
she allso told me there could still be hope for us, and well, she got two pictures of me at school, so she could see me all the time.

but for me it seems like the relationship she is in are not so great... why the hell would her eather come at me like that?!

but then again, she has told me she did not expect me to react at all...

well, Ill se about the lyrica when i get home... ti would take some time.. since I dont have any of them at my computer... and well I dont have them all eather... but ok, i think i will do it this time :)
I'm really sorry for what that girl did to you, Hellspawn, but don't let that make you think all girls are the same :)

i don't understand why does some people like to play with other people's feelings :confused:
It has happened to me more than I'd like to admit, that's why I love my band, because we put the stuff in our head and we make our depressed thoughts into a song. That's why all of our lyrics are so depressing.

"How do we prove that we exist? ...Maybe we don't." - Vivi from Final Fantasy IX
this is sad Hellspawn :(

it seems that some people like to play with others especially when they are quite confused about their lives or when they need to gain a bit of self-confidence....

but hopefully not everybody is like that...
well, ok, I actully know that all girls are not evil.. just that this made me feel like they are... but now.. it goes ok, back in my normall mood :)
or maybe a little happier then usual... actully talked with her for hours yesterday... it would probably not happen anything between us(not yet anyway, but I'm still hoping :rolleyes: ), she is actully a kind girl, and I like talking with her...
I'm sorry that you were hurt by that girl... But I believe noething's as simple as... that. The girl probably didn't think about the possibility of she hurting you at all - that you actually liked her that much. Sometimes you might hurt ppl whitout inteding to, and a person in love is especially vulnerable. But then, what are you supposed to do? If you find out that the person you "play games" with actually means it seriously, it's better to "break the news" at once than just playing along, at least. But it's not always you'll figure out this very early... at least, I wouldn't have enough confidence in myslef to believe such about someone until the person makes it quite clear... and then it might very well be too late not to hurt he person, already.

You mustn't think I take side with the girl, I just think one shouldn't judge a person too quickly, even if he/she has hurt you...
@Fjelltussa; yeah, I understand what u mean.. and well, I agree with u... thats why I just trye to get over her, as I more or less have, since I did not know her so much, it only hurt for some days

@The Nomad; we all seem to be suckers in love here.. :err:

so now.. I just want her to be happy, and well, it seems like she absolutly is not! got some SMS' from her yesterday, and well... dont know exactly what happend, but somehow her boyfriend found out what she had did(about the card to me and all), and well, they broke up... and she was really down!

cant help feeling that I have some fault in this, first of all trying to find out who she was, but that I had to do! and then when she told me she was together with someone, I did not break contact with her...
but.. but.. AGH! fuck it is not my fault!
ahh well, maybe... :s
Of course it's not your fault! It's her own fault, only, sad as it might be for her. She is (everyone is) resposible for her own actons. And now you keep strong. *pat on the shoulder*