why the gothenburg hate?

J Mann said:
Brutal Death Requries insane drumming, the guitar work is not the standout of the genre when compared to the drumming.
If you are talking about the solos you have a point, but Brutal Death riffs are more complicated, for the most part, than most genres.......and yes the guitar work is what defines brutal death, the drums support the guitars.......
The reason that I likened melodeath to Britney-pop is more of a musical thing. The music is completely pissweak and reeks of gay.....and the typical male fan is an effeminate trend-whore.

"And since when did how heavy a metal band is dictate their worth?"

I'd say that heaviness plays a pretty important part when you claim the genre to be "simply the best extreme genre".
J Mann said:
I retract my statement about melo-death requiring the most musicmanship. Black metal requires it in spades as well. I however stand by my statement that it requires more musicmanship than most grind/goregrind/porngrind etc. and brutal death.
Black metal? You have to be joking. Of course, you're wrong about brutal death too.
J Mann said:
Brutal Death Requries insane drumming, the guitar work is not the standout of the genre when compared to the drumming.

And how is melo-death the britney pop of metal? metalcore acts and 80's thrash is far more popular than melo-death will ever be. And if your comparing heaviness melo-death is heavier than both as well as being heavier than most prog and power metal bands.

And since when did how heavy a metal band is dictate their worth?

You obviously have no knowledge about brutal death metal at all. I suggest you actually listen to some of the bands found in that very genre before you make statements like that :wave:
I do enjoy many Gothenburg bands such as At The Gates and In Flames, but I just enjoy classic death metal so much more. Bands like Mornid Angel, Pestilence, Carcass and Death. Many of those bands even have very melodic stages that can also be borderline on the Gothenburg sound, but generally the classic death metal bands to me seem more original, deeper and obviously they are heavier than the whole Gothenburg outfit. Aside from the new album, I believe that calling Arch Enemy a Gothenbrug band is absurd anyway, BTW.
Arch said:
Whelp, whoever gave Dark Tranquillity 34% had a lot of balls for giving Dark Tranquillity that review for Damage Done. At least I give him some credit for writing a coherent review and can spell check.
ANd what credibillity that person has... Using a phrase like: "it is cruelly fed into the suck machine of suckitude" demands the removal of the owners being.
I hate most Gothenburg type of bands like Arch Enemy, In Flames or Soilwork. Don't give me any of that "earlier In Flames is better" or whatever because I hate all of their work from the first place. What I dont like about Gothenburg it is like it's taking the death metal sound watering it down and trying to insert weak melodies into it. I do not bash bands as soon as they are accessible or popular but it's just the Gothenburg sound annoys me. When it comes to death metal I think bands should just concentrate on aggression more than melody.

Some melo-death bands like Shadows Fall or God Forbid are getting popular and I like their work but I think those bands can't even compare to the early death metal bands. Some metalcore bands like Killswitch Engage incorporate that melo-death sound into their music.

SpiritCrusherBTR said:
Bands like Mornid Angel, Pestilence, Carcass and Death. Many of those bands even have very melodic stages that can also be borderline on the Gothenburg sound, but generally the classic death metal bands to me seem more original, deeper and obviously they are heavier than the whole Gothenburg outfit.
Morbid Angel and Death have melodic areas but they do it a lot better than any Gothenburg band and I dont get why you would call it "boarderline" Gothenburg.
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
The reason that I likened melodeath to Britney-pop is more of a musical thing. The music is completely pissweak and reeks of gay.....and the typical male fan is an effeminate trend-whore.

"And since when did how heavy a metal band is dictate their worth?"

I'd say that heaviness plays a pretty important part when you claim the genre to be "simply the best extreme genre".

I never said it was the best extreme genre.
Chopstick Up The Peephole said:
No, "Gothenburg death metal style" is not the best extreme genre.

Why's that you ask?

Simple - it's not extreme, and it's not heavy. It's the metal world's equivalent of Britney-pop. If you disagree, you're gay or Swedish and should kill yourself.
No offense, man, but that was the most idiotic statement thus far.

ThePhilospher said:
Brutal death is usually far more difficult to perform on all instruments than melodic death.

And brutal death is loads better than grind. Most grind bands suck, IMO.

However, the hate for the Gothenburg sound is entirely unnecessary. The style puts melody above everything else, and many of the bands are quite heavy. I think it is the near-universal stigma for accessible or catchy music that brings on the detractors.

Fuck that. I'll go listen to my In Flames.
henrikmain said:
You obviously have no knowledge about brutal death metal at all. I suggest you actually listen to some of the bands found in that very genre before you make statements like that :wave:

Give me a brutal death band better than Lykathea Aflame then. LA are good but i still enjoy melo-death more.
Dark Tranquility's Skydancer is an example of a GOOD gothenburg release. Of course that might be since it's not sounding as the traditional gothenburg sound. The regular release is fun for the first1-3 listens at most and after that's about as funny as watching a snail marathon.
SADUDE said:
ANd what credibillity that person has... Using a phrase like: "it is cruelly fed into the suck machine of suckitude" demands the removal of the owners being.
I've seen worse, man.
Someone wrote a review of Sinergy's album. 1/2 the "review" was attacking Kim Goss calling her "a fat bitch", a "whore", etc and absolutely no depth into the review of the album.