WoY appreciation


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2007
Hey whats up, I've been listening to you guys for awile now. In my opinion, Your brand of metal is the greatest I've have ever heard. Pursuit of the Sun and Allure of the Earth is packed with so much emotion. It's one of the few albums I could absorb into my mind and live by some of the lyrics. It actually creeps me out sometimes, because I swear If I wrote songs about many of the experiences in my life they would come out close to the very true lessons I have found in your songs (my songs would never come out close to what yours are :headbang: ). I can't wait to hear the new songs you're working on! Anyway keep on playing true metal, you guys might actually be able to save it. :worship: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Thanks for listening man! "Pursuit..." has become such a strange album for me. I've heard so much feedback from people over the last 3 years who seem to have really 'got it' for what it was intended to be, or who have found a way for the content to really relate to their lives in some way. The point of writing those songs was never really to offer lessons or morals or anything as if I ever felt I had become some kind of authority to give advice (unless I was offering a list of things 'NOT to do in your life!), but instead, the content simply consisted of documenting the process of me trying to 'figure things out' in song of where I had been, where I was and how I intended to get out of there. In retrospect, I think my life experience and inspirations for "Pursuit..." were more common than exclusive, but it was never meant to be 'accessible' to the average listener, at all. I still find that it's a weird album, not something you want to listen to when you are feeling good, the sun is shining and you're ripping down the highway in the summer but instead it's for when you are in that place that you don't really want to be and you are planning your escape.

Those original 1000 copies are long gone, but it's nice to see results of new listeners continuing to discover Woods of Ypres through the years via downloading etc... As long as that album is out of print, I encourage as much sharing and downloading of it as possible!

+ KRIEG, keep writing your songs man! Not everyone can write songs! You already have something if you've even come that far. + I personally find everyone's perspective interesting, so keep at it.

Just staggered into the house after sitting on the back porch and enjoying some cool beers in the summer weather with my 41 year-old neighbor, also a lifelong metalhead, and after spinning Sleep/Corrosion of Conformity/Sabbath/Aryeon/Against the Seasons, he proclaimed "Pursuit of the Sun..." to be one of his top 10 metal albums of all time...

Keep up the great work.
Can't wait for the Pursuit repressing, it became one of my favorite albums so very quickly...I've got Woods III pre-ordered, and now that I'm here I remembered I need to order a copy of Against the Seasons before it runs out as well!
Its fucking cool that you guys are getting so much attention because you guys deserve it. All your stuff is really amazing, i cant wait for the next album.

side note : I am from India, is it possible for me to pre - order the album?
NOBODY in India has heard of you guys apart from me, for most part but you guys are amazing. I got some of my friends into you guys as well:)
ME :p
are the guy who posted abt WOY on RSJ?? i posted by the same name one there also.

No, i hate RSJ with a passion, lol. Most of it is Nu Metal, Metalcore bullshit, and people who post there are mostly noobs:p
Those original 1000 copies are long gone, but it's nice to see results of new listeners continuing to discover Woods of Ypres through the years via downloading etc... As long as that album is out of print, I encourage as much sharing and downloading of it as possible!
Me, on the other hand, I refuse to download or copy "Pursuit..." in any which way, hoping that will move you to run a reprint asap. :p Just joshing, Dave. I know a re-release is at hand some time after Woods III. I'm going to be patient and wait.
If anyone could help with more fingernails to bite, though...? ;)
I feel guilty, but I have to admit I've been trying to find "Pursuit..." to download, but got nothing. It's downloading music that introduced me to this band, so downloading is not all bad. I preordered their newest CD and bought a comfy sweater, and I will order their re-print (hint hint) of their "Pursuit..." album.

Dave you would not believe how hard it is to find that album.
Hey Dave, dunno if you could help with this (since I know you basically are the manager of WoY), but seeing as I'm in London Ontario, not far from Toronto, and I've seen at least 2 copies of Against the Seasons in two different CD stores here, do you think it would be that hard to find Woods III once its released in case I don't pre-order it?