Young Metalheads

i disagree with u people bagging on those bands at the black crusade. I went to the black crusade in perth and it was fuckin awesome (btw im 14 for the record) and arch enemy, shadows fall, and machine head were all sweet. And although i hate to admit it, trivium made the crowd go wild and the atmosphere when they played 'a gunshot to the head of trepidation' was awesome.

And also i didnt get any shit from people telling me i was too young, there were just people who walk around shoving you trying to get in or out of the pits.
I've pretty much heard all DragonForce's stuff & I didn't like any of it. I thought the first album sounded like the same song on repeat with too much stupid keyboard. I can't stand that cheesey side of Power Metal for the most part, but a more Traditinal Power Metal sound can be very good if I'm in the mood for it.
No problems for me and my friends in the 16-18 year old range. Unless you count the overweight middle aged guy with the sparkling top hat putting his hands on my shoulders and singing into my ear during Ozzy.
Considering the bands you saw, I think it's amusing that the other guys there were trying to look so tough and hardcore.

Now if you went to a Death Metal concert things might be different. But considering practically all of them are 18+ venues anyway, it's a non-issue really.
Going to see Chldren of Bodom, Moonsorrow and Kiuas in the Astoria in march (2008).

2 points, 1st is will i have the same problem there?
and 2nd is that 14-16's have to be with an adult, will thay be the kind of crowd that in the queue i can say 'if security ask me if i'm with an adult, can i tell them i'm with you?'.
Have any of you guys ever done that?
Not personally, but then I was a good boy* up until I was about 19 or so.

And it really depends on who you ask. It would probably be better to approach someone who looked more mature and measured, probably quietly talking with friends rather then carrying on like a lunatic (and generally giving Metalheads in general a bad image).

* Read: boring.
When I was 12 (back in 93...) I was going to see shows and nobody ever gave me a hard time. If I were you I would just ignore them and do my thing. There's stupid people to be found everywhere no need to worry that much about them.
I'm 12 and my first metal gig was with Suffocation headlining. I didnt get any shit at all and people ended up just giving me beer and stuff. I had a pretty killer time:kickass:

thats cus you went to suffacation concert at age 12, coolest 12 yr old ever. and according to ur pic you like acid bath :kickass:
Dude Dragonforce Sucks, I've seen them In concert at ozzfest and They everyone left when they started to play I would not admit that they were good little bro o.k.
The problem is that younger metalheads listen to terrible bands like Machine Head, Trivium, Dragonforce, Arch Enemy and Shadows Fall.

Seriously though, don't worry about it. Whoever is making fun of you for being a certain age is an idiot.

Younger metalheads listen to terrible music like you also.
Dude Dragonforce Sucks, I've seen them In concert at ozzfest and They everyone left when they started to play I would not admit that they were good little bro o.k.

youre from georgia. what the fuck do you know

dragonforce is great

I can't stand how the fucking system in the Goverment works the innocent always gets the shaft
Athens, GA
Headbanging, listening to metal music
im a student at a goverment facality

government facility? are you in prison or somthing? but youre innocent... fuck off you southern piece of shit.
I think it's already been established that you and cookiecutter are the only people on this forum that can not talk about metal music because you're NOOBS. A person should know just about everything if they are going to post on a forum like this.
Hey asshole southernPride you got a problem wwith that and who the fuck are you guys to say if some one can't talk about music. O.nly pig headed aerocrastical biggets don't have an open mind and hate when people get their opinion. By the way roach what the fuck does some one from Colorado know about music. Just because some one is a noob on a web site dosn't mean shit
oh this is gonna be fun!

1) i'm not from colorado, i just live here. i'm from CA, where we've got an awesome metal scene. oh, and there's a pretty good scene in CO too. but who cares. point is, between going to hundreds of shows and going to school for music, i've got a pretty good grasp on the topic.

2) aerocrastical? what the fuck is that? you must be so smart to make up your own words. but i think you're just stupid and meant to say aristocratical. arrogant would be another word to use. and yeah, i'm arrogant. why? because i'm better than you.

oh, and you mispelled biggots, only, with, and forgot to put a space between southern and pride. and btw, being southern is nothing to be proud of.

Hey asshole southernPride you got a problem wwith that and who the fuck are you guys to say if some one can't talk about music
and you got a problem with punctuation.

4) lastly, i've got a VERY open mind about music. so before you start making an ass out of yourself, i suggest you read the board first.