The Official Movie Thread

I'm basically saying I'm not going to read Reza Aslan's writings on Historical Jesus because the guy is a lying disingenuous sack of shit who has been debunked an endless amount of times.

I agree it's not the most rigorous work, but as I understand it, although this book was pecked around the edges by other academics, the basic thrust is not overly contentious, in fact the most significant criticism is that it's not new scholarship.

This is a fair and qualified review I think.

Looks like they're going a very different route with this Joker origins film. Looking forward to it more than probably any other comic book film.

From Wiki:

"The script draws inspiration from Scorsese's films Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and The King of Comedy, as well as Alan Moore's graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke."
i assume this was mentioned already, but nic cage starring in a movie directed by the beyond the black rainbow (a cool retro '80s sci-fi thing that referenced cronenberg and venom) guy, who happens to be the son of the FIRST BLOOD II and COBRA director:

Anybody seen this movie? Hearing crazy things about it.
i've seen his previous film, which was aggressively dated and audiovisual, pretty light on plot. it's a total trip with a cool aesthetic (and contains a reference to a metal band quite beloved around here, on cassette no less), but some might call it style over substance - i'm sort of in between. from the things i've read about the new one it's the same except with these qualities pushed even further; the reactions seem very polarised.
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i've seen his previous film, which was aggressively dated and audiovisual, pretty light on plot. it's a total trip with a cool aesthetic (and contains a reference to a metal band quite beloved around here, on cassette no less), but some might call it style over substance - i'm sort of in between. from the things i've read about the new one it's the same except with these qualities pushed even further; the reactions seem very polarised.

Well, looks/sounds interesting enough from the trailer and what I've read about it. I'll probably check it out.


I already talked about this on fb but I really want to see this movie. Horror is actually my favorite genre and it takes a lot to make me uncomfortable. This movie looks sooo killer, I want to see it so bad but I keep sleeping on the tickets and then they sell out
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Brutal. Btw have you ever checked out any of the Hatchet films?

Pretty sure I've seen the first Hatchet film, not sure, memory is a little foggy. Know of their existence though, look like a lot of fun.

Did you see the cast for Abominable?! Jeffrey Combs, Lance Henriksen, Dee Wallace Stone! Some of it amounts to little more than a cameo but still pretty cool they all together for the movie.
The only one I saw was Jeffrey Combs when I was Googling images about the film, I'm determined to see that shit.

RE Hatchet:


I've only seen the first one (which coincidentally also came out in 2006) but I dig it, kinda blew my mind at the time because I hadn't really seen many newer horrors and it was so graphic and old school with all the non-CGI stuff going on.
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I love the first two Hatchet films and I generally don't like slashers. They turn the slasher tropes up to 11 in the best possible way. The first one has my favorite horror movie cliffhanger ending of all time.