Recent content by 97Underground

  1. 9

    East Coast Tour and a Big Thanks!

    Big Thanks Zero Hour!!!! You guys are incredible! "I fall down on my knees in awe!" You know I love you all and feel honored to know you and watch you play. I wish I could see you play every weekend!! Take care and I look forward to seeing you soon! oxox Barb
  2. 9

    97 UNDERGROUND - Metal Radio!

    Hi All, I just wanted to tell you about a new web metal radio station - 97 Underground. This is a web radio station - so anyone with a computer - (that is all of you!) can listen anywhere. Check it out at Log on and crank it up! Also, if anyone is interested...
  3. 9

    Specs and ToA.....

    I have not been able to take this CD out of my car since Prog Power. It justs gets better and better with every listen!! I think it just may be my favorite cd ever... I'm definitely addicted! Great job guys! Barb
  4. 9

    Zero Hour's new album, and ProgPower 7 performance

    I haven't been able to stop listening to the new CD either, it gets better every time I listen! It's in my car, in my computer at work and in my computer at home. Love it, love it, love it!
  5. 9

    The Official J- Dubya Appreciation Thread

    J-Dub!! (aka Shrek) You know we love you and you certainly deserve your own thread. Enjoy it and feel the love baby! It was great to see you and watch you in your glory with YOUR band! Let us know before you move to Sweden so we can throw you a party! xoxoxo Barb
  6. 9

    Zero Hour's new album, and ProgPower 7 performance

    Originally Posted by VenomGA I left during their first song, they were boring the shit out of me. sorry
  7. 9

    2006 Gold Badge Raffle

    Thanks for everything Jax, you did a great job and it was nice seeing you again! Barb
  8. 9

    Zero Hour's new album, and ProgPower 7 performance

    Ok, I had to sign up for this forum and do some posting! After going to ProgPower and seeing the Zero Hour performance, I just can't keep my mouth shut! I'm the crybaby that Rick mentioned above... ;) I was really looking forward to seeing Zero Hour and I really wanted to like them because...