Recent content by Entropiastrife

  1. Entropiastrife

    PPUSA XVI - Cheers and Jeers

    Longtime lurker that finally came down from new england to see the show. Cheers- Awesome performances by Dragonland, Evergrey, Voyager, Native Construct, Falconer, and Royal Hunt (the other bands were all good too, but those were my favorites). It was a total dream come true to see Dragonland...
  2. Entropiastrife

    Hey Epic Power Metal Fans, I've got something for you...

    I like it, they seem to be from the remains of the band thy majestie
  3. Entropiastrife

    are kalmah getting mainstream ?

    yeah they're a regular backstreet boys
  4. Entropiastrife

    Adagio news

    lamesauce, loved that dudes vox
  5. Entropiastrife

    Like stupidly epic symphonic black/death metal?

    traces are sick as hell
  6. Entropiastrife

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    glad you dig it, stay tuned for the new album odyssey: (un)dead, which is so much better than in waking, for serious anyway for me:
  7. Entropiastrife

    Me Playing Some Abigail

    well done buddy boy
  8. Entropiastrife

    fest question

    daylight dies!
  9. Entropiastrife

    new album

    i'm sure aw would be psyched to hear you downloaded their album a month before it is released and like it
  10. Entropiastrife

    Testament needs to do something about their live sound

    When I saw Testament a few months back at BBKing's in new york, the sound was solid. The vocals, guitar solos were clear, and the bass end was powerful but not overwhelming. However, I saw Testament last week on the Metal Master's tour and the sound was awful, I couldn't make out a single...
  11. Entropiastrife

    New Slipknot Song

    omgz dude they are so fucking heavy, im going to blast that song loud on my wal mart speakers any time my mom yells at me to clean my room. I'm not gonna mom and rick isn't my father, he's just some guy you fuck and you know what once they start giving me more hours at burger king im moving out...
  12. Entropiastrife

    debut full length update

    dude, are you serious...death metal originates from the US... morbid angel, suffocation, DEATH, obituary, deicide, cannibal corpse, possessed.... I could go on, those bands pretty much invented the genre. Maybe you are referring to melodic death, which I myself prefer, but like thrash and death...
  13. Entropiastrife

    Rhapsody news...

    magic circle helped get rhapsody out of their former contract with lmb music (how ironic), which just was too small of a label and did not support a band as big as rhapsody in terms of tour support, promotion, and questionable inventory "disappearances". I can't say how i know this but i...
  14. Entropiastrife

    Rhapsody news...

    Joey Demaio and magic circle are ONLY concerned with money and more importantly, promoting MANOWAR. Part of the magic circle contract is that they pretty much cannot tour unless it is with other magic circle music bands, kind of a problem when you are a band as big as Rhapsody where touring...
  15. Entropiastrife

    The stage costumes - all about it here!

    you guys, Turisas's wardrobe manager is the only source for animal fur clothing