Recent content by evilematt

  1. evilematt

    Evile at the underworld 28/03/14

    It was good fun! I have to admit i was FUCKED after 5 songs though :rock:
  2. evilematt

    Ipod Shuffle Game

    Get out your Ipod or mp3 player, select all songs and shuffle then list the first 25 songs that come out. Be not ashamed! Explain nothing! I'll go first: Skunk Anansie - Charity Candlemass - Ancient Dreams John Williams - Jaws Main Theme Opeth - Atonement King Diamond - Black of Night...
  3. evilematt

    Song meanings

    This is inspired by the discussion about terminator. I've put together a list of the topic of evile songs just to see if we managed to cover a broad range of subjects or if we've written the same song 40 times. See what you think, do they match with your views? Keep in mind that some of them...
  4. evilematt

    Judgement Day

    Thats not about terminator. Its about THE MAN keeping you down. Or something, i don't know, Ben wrote those lyrics.
  5. evilematt

    Judgement Day

    Wash day tomorrow, nothing cleeean
  6. evilematt

    Judgement Day

    Today is august 29, Judgement Day, the day Skynet destroyed most of mankind. Luckily a man named Kyle Reese travelled back in time to prevent a terminator (who had also been sent back in time) from killing the mother of the future leader of the resistance. Two fascinating documentaries were...
  7. evilematt


    I missed the comma, fatal mistake! bobmclaughlin: It's probably for the best i don't answer that fully. Whatever issues i have with ol and his departure i would be best keeping to myself for the good of everyone, i'm going to distract you now SMOKE BOMB!! joey1320: we all love each...
  8. evilematt


    Shit the pins!!! I will throw loads of evile stuff in a bag and send it out to you. Apologies!
  9. evilematt


    Thatguythatlikesmetal: No they never asked, i didn't think they would, their interest in us had been on the decline for a while - i think since serpents came out there just wasn't the same level of engagement. Which is a shame because i really think SKULL is the best, most re-listenable album...
  10. evilematt


    Keenan: x-men 1 - average, pretty much responsible for how popular superhero movies are nowadays so it deserves credit for that. x-men 2 - very very good film, one of them rare sequels that is better than the original, it's a better made film, far more interesting. x-men 3 - dreadful...
  11. evilematt


    Podgie: yes i do eat sandwiches, i really like them. Hot fresh chicken in hot fresh tiger loaf is a favourite! Hetzer: I'm not a good enough singer for anyone to want me to do any guest stuff, i don't mean that in a "fishing for praise way" but it's true, i'm nowhere as good a singer as i...
  12. evilematt

    News and stuff

    Just to be more of a sellout - i've also listed a black les paul custom on ebay, check it out! This has been my riff demo guitar for a year or two.
  13. evilematt

    News and stuff

    It's not really a shame, it's just sat there not being played so I thought someone else might want to show it more love than I do. Plus there's my gig shirts and the shirts I wore for music videos/photoshoots on ebay as well that were just sat in a drawer gathering dust, thought someone else...
  14. evilematt

    News and stuff

    Hello all, Hope all is well? Just thought i would say hello as it's been a very long time since you've heard anything Evile-wise on here so I thought i would say hello and let you know that at the moment there isn't a lot going on. We are taking our time to make sure that when Evile return it...
  15. evilematt


    Keenan: Last of Us was amazing, i never thought the most memorable part of a game would be the bit where you stroke a giraffe......... I'm going to get beyond two souls after xmas when it's down in price, Heavy Rain was brilliant though so anything that comes from David Cage will get played by...