Recent content by Guybrush Thriftweed

  1. Guybrush Thriftweed

    New Song- Blind At Heart

    here it is, for you all to enjoy... :) Quite good recording I must say. You know, I get the part about the laid back acoustic sections, but I don't quite hear those furious blastbeats :danceboy:
  2. Guybrush Thriftweed

    an interview (the most original threadtitle ever? :)

    just credit it to "Rieg", no more, no less...
  3. Guybrush Thriftweed

    an interview (the most original threadtitle ever? :)

    *Plantman* :lol: mean you want to live in Norway rather than Mexico? Then you can't sit by the cactus and play guitar with your sombrero on (unless you get a portable cactus that is) you really want that?
  4. Guybrush Thriftweed

    an interview (the most original threadtitle ever? :)

    lets just say it like this: it's as likely that you get to publish that interview on your webpage as it is that im from NORWAY!!! ...luckily for you im actually from Norway, so go ahead and publish it, it's mighty OK! :)
  5. Guybrush Thriftweed

    an interview (the most original threadtitle ever? :)

    UndoControl: Thanks! :) to you all: It's nice to hear you appreciate it. Regarding the Mikael Stanne custom guitar, that was just a joke ...seriously!
  6. Guybrush Thriftweed

    an interview (the most original threadtitle ever? :)

    Hi fellow tranquillians! My first post ever! weehee... :goggly: I have been a watcher at the forum for quite some time, but never posted until now, anyway I conducted an interview with Niklas Sundin a while back and have not shared it with you people yet ..I guess late is better than...