Recent content by Krisjibs

  1. K

    Headliners Prediction

    Angra and Nocturnal Rites.
  2. K

    Pull Me Under

    Hands down my #1 favorite song. I would love to see a video of it released, on the DVD or not.
  3. K

    Which band do you think will be the returning band for the Showcase?

    Firewind!!! Or Raintime would be great too.
  4. K

    Tickets Wanted/For Sale (including Wed)

    Update: Its getting too close for comfort...I'm willing to let the Gold Badge for both days and the showcase ticket go for $75, pickup at the venue. Call Chris at (337) 853-6019.
  5. K

    Tickets Wanted/For Sale (including Wed)

    My brother cancelled last minute, so I have 1 extra Gold Badge available, plus his showcase ticket. At this point I'm just looking to get a little bit back and get someone else in the show in his place, so I'm not asking full price. Feel free to contact me with ANY reasonable offers. You...
  6. K

    Hey Glenn... what more can you tell us about the Jam?

    Does that include the Preparty?
  7. K

    The Annual "What are you going to buy" thread

    The only thing I've got in mind so far in Vision Divine's latest...however I'm looking to expand my collection a little while I'm there, since they're so much cheaper than online. I was at PP7 last year, but I don't know a whole lot of PP style bands other than last year and this year...I'm...
  8. K

    How do they rate for you!?

    Somehow I missed that announcement...what happened with Apollo? Bummer he won't be there...
  9. K

    How do they rate for you!?

    Krucible - 6 based on only hearing one song Cellador - 7 The Kitchen - ∞ Vanden Plas - 4 Raintime - 8 Communic - 4 Virgin Steele - 5 Redemption - 9 Pagan's Mind - 6 Sonata Arctica - 10 Firewind - 9 Threshold - 8 Primal Fear - 7 based on CDs...but I'm fully expecting them to...
  10. K

    Hey Glenn... what more can you tell us about the Jam?

    Sorry if this has already been asked 14 times, but has it been made known which vocalists are participating?
  11. K

    Late Night Atlanta Restaurants

    Last year I made the sad mistake of leaving for progpower with the assumption that, in a huge city like Atlanta, it would be easy to find food after the show. Ha. First night we had a grueling and slightly frightening experience at Waffle House (during which we waited 40 minutes for our food...
  12. K

    Question for anyone who has been to Progpower before.

    I swear we were travelling down Peachtree st NE, and without turning or curving, were suddenly on Peacthree st SW!!! :OMG:
  13. K

    Showcase tickets on sale this Saturday the 10th at 10:00 am...

    Just making sure...GB holders still have to buy a showcase ticket, right?