Recent content by Photino Decay

  1. Photino Decay

    Thank you

    Yeah, I still have those moments running through my head even now. It was truly amazing. So much heart and soul poured into those vocals.
  2. Photino Decay

    Cheers and Jeers

    I thought the sound was absolutely perfect for most of the fest (Thursday not so much until a couple songs into VP's set). I had regular foam plugs and just had them barely wedged in my ear just to attenuate the volume where I was closer to a speaker. The lineup was amazing. I wish I had...
  3. Photino Decay

    No thread about Haken yet? :O

    I wasn't all that into them after listening to their CD, but it could have been that I was listening to it before going to bed so I was probably already half asleep... :lol: Nothing really stuck in my head... Live, the sound was spot-on, there was plenty of energy, they played tight, and I was...
  4. Photino Decay

    Within Temptation in NYC this Saturday

    Nope, just go up the stairs. There is a VIP section in there with seats and stuff, but the rest is fine for regular folk. Most of the people I've known in VIP have been on a guest list of some sort (for the band or for the label)
  5. Photino Decay

    Within Temptation in NYC this Saturday

    Maybe she took so long coming out from backstage because she took a shower... :lol:
  6. Photino Decay

    THERION destroyed Center Stage

    I don't think Vikstrom's daughter was able to pull off the exact style that Kat has in her vocals. The most disappointing song of the set was Sophia, which is a song I absolutely love, but it just didn't grab me emotionally like the rest of the set did due, not to her vocal ability, but to her...
  7. Photino Decay

    Thank you

    It was great seeing you perform and meeting you! Hope you visit again before too long :)
  8. Photino Decay

    Anthrax, Testament, Death Angel: Tour Dates Revealed

    Hopefully they manage to muster up an NYC gig on the 7th or 9th... Always annoying to see Testament go on tour and never hit NYC.
  9. Photino Decay

    Metal cd store in NYC?

    Well, they chose to get out while they were still in ok condition financially instead of plowing ahead till bankruptcy. The physical CD stores just aren't as important to the music industry as they once were... let alone any discussion of the physical CD product's importance... Just gotta change...
  10. Photino Decay

    Creation's End & Suspyre Live in New York City

    I might be leaving for Vegas that night :(
  11. Photino Decay

    PAINTED IN EXILE (BTBAM-Fans this band is ridiculously good)

    I think I've seen them live. At least I think that's how I have a copy of their CD... If I'm remembering it all correctly, I was pretty impressed by their live show.
  12. Photino Decay

    Within Temptation's Unforgiving

    I'd rather listen to her collab with Armin Van Buuren than listen to Faster, but it's ok... HOWEVER, the promo video has some background music which sounds pretty damn EPIC! :rock:
  13. Photino Decay


    Griefshire is a much heavier album... guitars, growls, drums, all heavier than their other releases. Check it out too... you may or may not like it, but I think you'll be surprised at the difference in sound :) I'd say the other albums are pretty similar to Edenbridge at a first approximation.
  14. Photino Decay


    Blackguard has gotten a lot better lately... the new songs are actually quite decent and they do put on a good performance live. I don't mind seeing them a few times a year. They're also crazy Quebeckers so they're fun to hang out with.
  15. Photino Decay

    Jaxx makes TMZ

    I've never heard of a true pay-to-play situation in NYC, only in LA. They do the same deal with requiring a certain number of ticket sales. You buy the tickets at face value and sell them for whatever you want. BB King's could be different, but that's a shithole. Nokia may be different, but...